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Professor Dominique Peyramond of the infectious diseases department at the Croix-Rousse hospital in .., 1995-08-30...

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Professor Dominique Peyramond of the infectious diseases department at the Croix-Rousse hospital in .., 1995-08-30 (photo)
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Robert Pratta
1995 AD
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Professor Dominique Peyramond of the infectious diseases department at the Croix-Rousse hospital in Lyon removes a book from his library during an interview with journalists, August 30. Peyramond claims to have obtained significant results in the treatment of the AIDS disease and says that the HIV virus totally diasppeared in the lymphocytes in more than half of his patients who have received an anit-virus/anti-tumor treatment

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REUTERS/Robert Pratta / Bridgeman Images
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