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Everything you need to know about licensing, copyright, using images for your project and much more

Most Popular Questions

Some files need to have authorisation from the collection that owns them before they can be directly downloaded. An Account Manager will request permission on your behalf. They will use the project information you submitted at the time of downloading, so please make sure this is accurate.

It could also be the case that the file has not yet been scanned at a high resolution. Your Account Manager has been notified that you've tried to download the image and they will have the image scanned for you. They will be in touch once it's available for download.

Please also check that your account is set up to download high-resolution files. Please contact your Account Manager to review your settings or contact us. 


Register or log in to your Bridgeman Images account. You can then download the file in low, medium or high resolution by clicking the download button. Or you can add the image/video to a lightbox for later use. 


Yes. Please either contact your Bridgeman Images Account Manager or contact us with your brief. We will then provide an estimated cost for the image/video(s).

Yes, our website supports searches in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.


Click the folder icon in the top right-hand corner of your web browser window 

Lightbox Icon

when you're searching and selecting images or videos you can access your existing lightboxes or create a new one by clicking here:

How to access lightboxes while searching on bridgemanimages.com

Once you've selected images or videos, you will be able to use the options bar. 

You can choose to:

  • download the image/video(s)
  • add the selection to a different lightbox
  • clear the current selection 
Options menu available on bridgemanimages.com search results page

Browse Topics

Clips & Footage

After you create an account, you can download your video either individually or as part of a lightbox. 

For more information about lightbox and download please check the Lightbox FAQs under the Navigation section of this page.

If you run into any issues, need additional research assistance or need higher resolution files, please contact your Account Manager. We also have online guidance on purchasing and usage rights on this FAQs page.


 You can also search our website for your footage needs. We represent many video and film archives with a large part of the collection available for download online. 

We also offer free research of our suppliers’ offline collections as well as potential digital upscaling/rescanning services. Please get in touch for more information about turnaround times and fees.


If a video is marked with upscaling or rescanning availability, then yes. Any additional cost and timescales vary on case-by-case basis.


Many of our videos are already online as masters and available for download at the highest resolution possible. However, if a clip is marked with a timecode or a watermark, we can facilitate getting the master delivered. Turnaround times may apply.


If a video is marked as available for rescanning in 4K, we will work with the supplier to get the footage rescanned. Turnaround time and additional fees are available upon request. 


Yes, for many of our videos, HR versions are available for download directly from our website. 


Our collection is continually growing. This means we have a collection of offline videos which are still to be uploaded. If you can’t find what you are looking for online, please contact us through the search page. We will do our best to help with your wish list. 


You can search for a video from the search bar on the top of the page and filter by 'Video'. 


Most of our footage is uploaded in its entirety, but some of the longer videos are sub clipped into shorter extracts for the sake of a speedier search and more relevant search results.


We represent many videos that are only available offline. Our researchers can consult with suppliers about their collection's offline material on your behalf.


We currently represent a variety of exclusive content from:

  • Atomic Archive
  • Barstow Travel Film Archive
  • Battlefields in Motion
  • Benoy K. Behl
  • Buff Films
  • Creation/Art Films
  • David Dawson’s Lucian Freud interview
  • De Laszlo
  • Desmond Devitt
  • Ingemar Helander
  • Laboratoriorosso
  • London Community Video Archive
  • Martin Norris
  • Media Pool
  • Meisterwerke/Academic Rights Press
  • Monumental
  • Moonweed Digital
  • Nicolas Roeg Archive
  • Richard Balzer Collection


Copyright & Rights

Copyright is an intellectual property right. It is an automatic right afforded to a creator, such as an artist or photographer, for their lifetime and an extended period after their death. 

The type and length of protection given varies from country to country, although the most usual period of copyright is 70 years after the artist’s death. It generally gives the creator of a work economic rights of control over copying, adaptation, distribution of copies, performance and broadcasting. It can also give:

  • moral rights of paternity (the right to be identified)
  • integrity (the right to object to any derogatory treatment of their work)
  • privacy 
  • the right not to have a work falsely attributed

Read more in Understanding copyright

Use the special keyword ALLCLEAR when searching our website. You can combine it with other search terms, for example: ALLCLEAR (red dress)

The Usage Fee is the price we charge for our Services, including:

  • aggregating and maintaining photographic collections digitised, sourced, curated, verified and organised by Bridgeman Images.
  • organising this collection into an accessible website.
  • providing the expertise of Bridgeman Images employees in sourcing the content for your needs.
  • supplying you with a digital copy of the Bridgeman Material and its data.
  • granting, or facilitating the granting of any copyright licence, clearance or permission in relation to the Use of the Bridgeman Material and/or Subject Matter. 

Some images may depict artworks by artists still in copyright. This means they are also entitled to a copyright fee. 

Depending on the content you choose we can:

  • directly charge you the copyright fee on behalf of our Bridgeman Artists.
  • direct you to the correct copyright owner or collecting society.
  • suggest next steps in the case of an unknown copyright owner or Orphan Works.

Sometimes there can be multiple copyrights for the image we provide to you. It could be that our photograph is in copyright, but so is the artwork which has been photographed. 

It is your responsibility to clear these additional rights before reproducing your chosen image, but we will do everything we can to help you. The usual steps are:

  1. Obtain reproduction permission from us based upon your specified use.
  2. Secure permission to use it by contacting the artist, their estate, or their representatives such as a collecting society, agent or lawyer. 

Many artistic projects have multiple copyrights. When a song is recorded, there's a copyright for the written song itself and one for the recording of it. The same applies to some images. An artist may own the copyright of the artwork, although someone else may own the copyright of the high-resolution photograph itself. 

It means the asset you want to use is still under copyright.

Whenever possible, we share who you need to contact in order to clear copyright. This is most commonly local collecting societies such as DACS, ADAGP, SIAE and ARS.

Images labelled as created by a 'Bridgeman Artist' means we clear the copyright with the artist on your behalf. You don't need to do anything else.

When we label images as created by independent artists, it means the copyright owner is independent and is not represented by Bridgeman Images or any Collecting Society. In this case, please contact us as we may have some details on file.

When purchasing your digital file from us, we try to supply, at the time of purchase, all available copyright information from our off-line database, including an email address or a physical address for more information.

We will let you know who you need to contact based on the details we have on file. This could be:

  • the artist
  • the artist's estate
  • a collective rights society 
  • other entities such as a gallery, museum or institution 

If we can't provide you with the copyright owner details, we can provide you with a Due Diligence list of actions to identify the copyright owner. It is up to you whether you proceed with reproducing the file or not.

A non-exhaustive example of a due diligence list is:

  • Decide how many attempts you will make to contact a rights holder, and how much time you will spend.
  • Keep a record of all attempts made to contact the rights holder, including internet searches and phone calls.
  • Send any letters recorded delivery so that you have proof of postage.
  • If appropriate, contact the owner of the original work.
  • Use WATCH File searches which count towards due diligence: http://norman.hrc.utexas.edu/watch/
  • Put money aside for seven years in case a rights holder comes forward in that time.
  • Add a written disclaimer to your publication stating that you tried to contact all rights holders. Also that you welcome any information about works where you have been unable to find the rights holder.
  • All licences should be in writing. Emails should be printed off and filed.
  • Depending on the country you are in, your local government may have additional guidance on due diligence, for example https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/orphan-works-diligent-search-guidance-for-applicants

Undetermined copyright status is applied to any image without any information about the copyright owner. These images are also called Orphan Works

You can still use the file but it is ultimately your responsibility to investigate the image creator, make your own risk assessment and decide if you wish to proceed with reproducing the file.

No, we only represent certain artists' copyright. These are flagged as being a Bridgeman Artist.

You can still purchase the digital file from us for other artists, but it is your responsibility to locate and contact the copyright owner to clear permission and a copyright fee with them. We will try to guide you through this process whenever we can.

On our website, the majority of Bridgeman Artists have the logo Premium or Premium + over their images. Under the image, they are also labelled as a Bridgeman Artist or Bridgeman Copyright artist 

Example of Bridgeman Artist Label

For a Bridgeman Copyright Artist, we handle all copyright administration for their entire body of work. This includes works for which we don’t hold the actual image file.

For Bridgeman Artists we handle the copyright administration solely for the images we hold in our archive

Please contact us with the project details and we will be happy to advise you.

This notice means that the artwork’s copyright depicted in the file is managed by a third-party collecting society. We offer some guidance by naming the collecting societies in territories where we have an office. However, you will have to clear the copyright with the collecting society in the territory you are based.

No, it is your responsibility to contact DACS or the collecting society in your territory to clear the artist’s copyright of the file you wish to use.

This is a notice we apply to our film stills content. Bridgeman Images can provide the digital file, but cannot clear the additional rights attached to the file. Extra clearance might be necessary for commercial usage. We, therefore, recommend using this content for editorial use only and seeking legal advice where necessary.

Each image needs to be treated on a case-by-case basis. We generally recommend opting for editorial use only. Please get in touch with us for specific requests. 

If you are using an artwork by a creator who is still in copyright, copyright clearance is the permission given to reproduce their work subject to an additional copyright fee. Permission clearance is the permission we need from the owner of the artwork (Museum or collection) to reproduce the file.

Your Account Manager will clear the permission on your behalf. To make this process as smooth as possible, please make sure your project details are up to date.

This depends on which artist’s copyright you need to clear. 

In the case of a Bridgeman Artist we do this for you, and just add the fee to your invoice.

For other artists we will assist you during the process, but it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions. 

Some of our suppliers want to be informed about your project details before agreeing to the use of their files. Your Account Manager will obtain permission on your behalf. So please make sure that all project details are up to date.

We are in constant contact with our suppliers. We aim to obtain permission within two working days.

Your Account Manager will obtain permission on your behalf. Please make sure that all project details are up to date.

This notice means that the asset can be purchased only by clients whose billing address is in XX – such as a specific country or territory.


In order to buy an image with Bridgeman Images e-commerce please follow these steps:

  • Select the image you want
  • Choose the licence for your needs
  • Pay the fee for your selection (usually between £20 - £50)
  • Download the high-resolution file

 How do I buy an image via e-commerce?


Please check the Downloads folder of your network or computer. If it isn't there, please contact us so we can arrange the delivery of the file.


If a high-resolution file is not available for the image you purchased, Bridgeman Images will scan it for you at no extra cost. 

We can supply files even larger than the high-resolution file, but this might involve a rescan fee. Contact us for more information.


Once you've selected the usage that fits your needs, head to the Checkout page.

 If you need to add more information to your invoice, please click the 'Want to add more details to your invoice?' button.

'Want to add More Details to your invoice?' button. 

This opens a form where you can add your Company Name, a PO Number, a VAT Number, and the Company address.

 form where you can add your Company Name, a PO Number, a VAT Number, and the Company address

If how you want to use the image isn't listed as an option, please click Contact us to discuss other usage options.

If how you want to use the image isn't listed as an option, please click Contact us to discuss other usage options.

Locate the item you wish to buy and hover over the image with your mouse. If the shopping cart icon appears, the image is available for e-commerce purchase. 

shopping cart icon
 To add it to your cart, click on the shopping cart icon:

Shopping cart bridgeman images

If there is no plus sign on the shopping cart, it means the image is not available as an online purchase/download. 

If there is no plus sign on the shopping cart, it means the image is not available as an online purchase/download.


Instead, a pop-up window appears where you can fill in the information. This will be sent to us as a request to sort out the file delivery for you.


Once your images are in the cart, simply click the shopping basket icon in the top right corner of your screen to go to the e-commerce page.


shopping basket icon
Select the use you need and press Pay.


Fill in the payment options (Credit Card or PayPal) and then download your files.


Just get in touch. We can tailor a quote specifically for your needs.


For images, you will receive a high-resolution file. 

The exact size of each file is shown on every image page. 

The image file size may vary: 

Image file size grid

For clips, you will receive an mp4 file. 

The exact size of each file is shown on every image page. 

The video file size may vary: 

video file size grid

Items placed in a cart are automatically saved whenever a change is made to the cart.

You can purchase images and videos by PayPal or credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex.


Simply click the 'Contact us for other Usage Options' button and let us know what you need.

'Contact us for other Usage Options' button

All the information you need is on our contact page.


Image & Caption

Hi-res, High-Res or high-resolution images are at least 300 pixels per inch (ppi).

The standard image files we supply is the JPG format. If you require a TIFF format, please contact us

The main difference between JPG and TIFF is the compression and size of the image file.

The TIFF is a sort of 'master file' of a JPG. Usually, TIFF files are larger in size. They don’t lose data in the compression and offer you a truer representation of the artwork. A JPG is a smaller file that is easier to download and store.

Bridgeman Images holds a number of TIFF files. So please don’t hesitate to contact us to request one, or even a rescan if it would better fit your needs.

None, they all stand for 'Joint Photographic Experts Group' who created the JPEG file standard. 

If they exist, we can provide TIFF files separately on request. Just get in touch with us or your Account Manager

We always try to provide the highest quality image file available. However, due to the nature of our content, a new photograph can’t always be commissioned. Sometimes we need to rely on old photography where the file size and quality cannot match that of a high-resolution image. This is especially true if we have an image of a lost or destroyed artwork. If you require particularly large files, please contact us

Ppi (pixels per inch) describes the resolution in pixels of a digital image. As in the number of pixels displayed in a square inch of a screen. 

Dpi (dots per inch) describes the amount of ink dots on a printed image. Printers reproduce images using hundreds of tiny dots. The higher the number of dots per inch, the more detailed the image. 

Whenever we can, we provide images at 300dpi. 

Once you open up an image, you can check its dpi details:

Once you open up an image, you can check its dpi details


As long as an image file is more than 3000 pixels in length or width, you'll be able to print out a good quality image on A4 or letter paper size.


Image dpi details

If the file does not meet your requirements, please contact us so we can supply you with a larger file. 


We automatically supply the highest resolution available for that specific file at the time of purchase.

A simple way to check an image's quality is to zoom in 100% on the image. The definitions shouldn’t be lost while printing. 


Yes, in most cases we can usually rescan the transparency. Or request a new, better quality file from our supplier.  


If we don't have a high-resolution file available for your preferred image, Bridgeman Images will scan it for you at no extra cost. If a high-resolution file is already available but you require a much larger file, we may need to charge a rescan fee.


We regularly keep our digital files up to date by checking with museums and artists' estates. If you think a file has the wrong colours, we can correct it in-house. Contact us if you have a particular request

Yes, we offer a recolouring service at reasonable rates.


In general, we always mention when a supplier does not want their content to be cropped, manipulated or overlaid. If you don’t see this notice, in principle you can, but please contact your Account Manager for more clarification. 

Can I crop, manipulate or apply text over your image?

Yes, you can commission one of our Bridgeman Artists. There are more details on our commission service page

Of course. We are happy to assist whenever we can.

Please use the text listed under 'Photo credit' (see image below)

If you are in doubt any files should always be credited with at least the following ©Bridgeman Images

How to credit images


Simply type your keyword or search term in the search bar at the top of every page. 

First, create your free account with us. 

Then click this symbol and follow the instructions.

Yes. On the search bar, click the 'content type' button to choose images only, video only or both.


A Search Results page shows the results of your search.

Yes. On the search bar click ‘Advanced search' at the far right of the search bar 

Advance Search Bridgeman Images


to bring up options ranging from Name of the Artist to Century of creation:


Advance Search pop up window on Bridgeman Images


You can also refine what appears on the search results page by using filters. 

New Filters on Bridgeman Images search results page

You can filter the content by:

  • Bridgeman Artist: only show artists represented by Bridgeman Images
  • Century: show images of artworks according to the century in which they were created
  • Museum: filter images based on the location of the original artwork

Yes, you can.


Yes, you can use the Filter category ‘Rights type’ and then select Premium or Premium +.


Yes, just click 'Hide filters' on the filter menu.

Click the plus button next to 'More Filters' and then the arrow to the right of each category.

How do I visualize additional filters on bridgemanimages.com?

For shortcuts please check out our search tips. If you still can’t find what you're looking for, just get in contact.

Register or log in to your Bridgeman Images account. You can then download the file in low, medium or high resolution by clicking the download button. Or you can add the image/video to a lightbox for later use. 


We have a wealth of images and videos available offline which we can investigate on your behalf. Please click the 'Contact us' link on the search result page and send us your wish list. We will do our best to help.

Search services - I'm looking for a particular artwork but can’t see it on your website. Can you source it for me?

There could be a number of reasons. We suggest you:

  • check the spelling of the keyword you entered
  • try a different combination of keywords
  • try a synonym
  • try fewer keywords

If you're still experiencing problems, please contact us. 

Yes. Please either contact your Bridgeman Images Account Manager or contact us with your brief. We will then provide an estimated cost for the image/video(s).

Our Picture Research Service is supplied for free once we've agreed on the cost of the file(s), services and rights clearance provided.

Our search tips can help you refine your results. We also offer a large selection of search filters including 'by colour' and 'by exclusivity'. 

Yes, our website supports searches in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

A lightbox is your private image gallery where you can save images from our archive. Think of it like a 'shopping basket' where you can add any image/video(s) you might want to later use for your projects. You can create as many lightboxes as you want.

Its name comes from how picture researchers would look at transparencies by placing them on a box lit from below.

For further information watch this tutorial to help you create lightboxes on your Bridgeman Images account: 



Click the folder icon in the top right-hand corner of your web browser window 

Lightbox Icon

when you're searching and selecting images or videos you can access your existing lightboxes or create a new one by clicking here:

How to access lightboxes while searching on bridgemanimages.com


Click the lightbox icon on the top right corner of your window 

When you click an image or a video in your search results, you'll have the option to create a new lightbox from your selection. 

option to create a new lightbox from your selection.

By clicking on the lightbox icon on the asset 

lightbox icon on the asset

Once you've selected images or videos, you will be able to use the options bar. 

You can choose to:

  • download the image/video(s)
  • add the selection to a different lightbox
  • clear the current selection 
Options menu available on bridgemanimages.com search results page

Yes. Once you've made your selection, the option below will become available:

Type the name of the lightbox you are looking for, if it doesn't exist and you click ADD, the lightbox will be created and the asset added automatically.

How to add images to a lightbox



You can:

  • Go to the Lightbox menu and search through the list
  • or in your account, go to the Lightbox menu and search through the list:
My Account, My lightboxes menu on bridgemanimages.com


List of Lightboxes available


  • or click on an image/video and then go through to your existing list of lightboxes
click on an image/video and then go through to your existing list of lightboxes

These options are available when you open a lightbox.

Lightbox options


You can also see these options in your account under the Your Lightboxes menu.

 options in your account under the Your Lightboxes menu


Click the download icon on your preferred image, and then select the size you want.

Download image icon bridgemanimages.com
Click the download icon on your preferred image, and then select the size you want.

Once you select images or videos you will be able to use the options bar. 

You can either download the image/video(s), add the selection to a different lightbox or clear the current selection.

How do I download a selection of images and videos or all of them at the same time?

This means some of the images you selected are not available for immediate download. Please continue with the set of images that can be downloaded. In the meantime, the website will have alerted an Account Manager. They will send you the remaining high-resolution file separately shortly.


The Fast Download Option is only for images and collections available for web download. Click the 'Open Download Panel' button to switch to a standard download.

Fast Download Notice message

Yes, simply log in to your account, 

go to My Details, and click on 

Notifications - Send daily digest emails

 to change how often you receive your download email report. 
 My Details, and click on Notifications -   Send daily digest emails to change how often you receive your download email report.

Some files need to have authorisation from the collection that owns them before they can be directly downloaded. An Account Manager will request permission on your behalf. They will use the project information you submitted at the time of downloading, so please make sure this is accurate.

It could also be the case that the file has not yet been scanned at a high resolution. Your Account Manager has been notified that you've tried to download the image and they will have the image scanned for you. They will be in touch once it's available for download.

Please also check that your account is set up to download high-resolution files. Please contact your Account Manager to review your settings or contact us. 


Usage & Pricing

Once you are registered your account, you can save your search results in a lightbox. You can then download your selection. If your company has an account with us, an Account Manager will be in touch with you to guide you through online steps. 


Once you have an account with us, you can download your image/video individually or as a set in a lightbox.

For more information about lightbox and download please check the Lightbox FAQs under the Navigation section of this page.

Alternately contact us or your Account Manager for assistance on your project or research. 


If your company has a registered account with Bridgeman Images you won't see a shopping cart option. Instead, you can download your images from the lightbox directly. Once your project is closed, please let your Account Manager know which images have been used.


If your company has a credit account with us, after your usage declaration, we will send you an invoice with a payment link

  • Editorial usage: an image is used within the context of the narrative. For example where an image truthfully describes the subject matter. These can include documentaries, news broadcasts, articles, and inside books. There must be a relationship between the image and the content.


  • Commercial usage: an image is used in the marketing and promotion of a service, product or another person/company. It also includes political campaign ads, which need releases for recognizable depictions of people and objects.


  • Advertorial usage is commercial, not editorial.


A non-editorial use is when an image/video is used to promote something, for example in advertising, advertorials, book covers and magazine covers. Other non-editorial uses include posters and prints, greetings cards, calendars, puzzles and merchandise.


Many of our images/videos are available for all uses. Others may have specific restrictions when it comes to commercial use. Your Account Manager can help ensure the content you have selected is appropriate for the usage you need. 


Bridgeman Images charges a usage fee to provide a set of services that enable you to use the digital file. This is separate from any 'fair use' or 'fair dealing' exception. 

The usage fees we charge for exhibition catalogue use cover the services we provide. These include:

  • aggregating, digitising and organising content onto an accessible website
  • providing expertise in sourcing relevant content
  • supplying you with a digital copy of the materials together with its data
  • granting, or facilitating the granting of any copyright licence, clearance or permission in relation to the use of the material.



If you wish to acquire an image from our website a fee will be charged. This is in exchange for the services we provide that allow you to use the digital file.

The usage fees we charge cover the services we provide. These include:

  • aggregating and maintaining photographic collections digitised, sourced, curated, verified and organised by Bridgeman Images.
  • organising it into an accessible website.
  • providing the expertise of Bridgeman Images employees in sourcing the content relevant to your requirements.
  • supplying you with a digital copy of the Bridgeman Materials together with its data.
  • granting or facilitating the granting of any copyright licence, clearance or permission in relation to the Use of the Bridgeman Material and/or Subject Matter.


Bridgeman Images is a commercial archive. We represent artists, museums and collections. They receive a substantial part of the fee we charge you. We don't have the right to waive fees.


We can’t advise you on images found outside our website. It's up to you to check the source of the file, the ownership and the copyright status of the image itself or of the subject depicted in it and if it is suitable for how you want to use it.


Funding levels for museums fluctuate, and some need the fees to help continue their work. By purchasing files from Bridgeman Images, you are supporting these museums and galleries.


Please contact your Account Manager. They can set up a bespoke feed to show only content available for use and download from our website.


A book cover is one of the main drivers of a book sale. This means any image used for one is usually considered to be for commercial usage.


Certain museums request a minimum fee to be applied to their images. Any fee paid to the museum helps them with new exhibitions, restoration programmes, conservations and new acquisitions.


When searching on our website you can use the special keyword ALLCLEAR.

You can combine it with your own search terms, for example: ALLCLEAR (red dress)


Buy Print Button

We have partnered with leading print-on-demand companies to offer personal prints of many of the images on the Bridgeman Images website. 

By clicking the "Buy Print" button, you will be taken to our partner's website where you can customise and purchase a personalised print. Once purchased, the product will be printed “on demand” and shipped directly to you.

We work with trusted partners to produce high-quality prints on demand and ship them to your door. By clicking on the "Buy Print" button you will be taken to our partner's website where you can customise your print and complete your purchase.


Some of our images are unavailable for purchase as prints due to rights restrictions. However, we are working hard to make as many images available as possible, and many of our most popular images are already available to buy as prints.

Currently our “Buy Print” option is only available to customers in certain countries. We do have exciting plans to offer this service in other territories soon.


We use a number of security features on our website to protect our images, including visible watermarks, but these watermarks will not appear on your purchased print.


Images on our website are optimised for web use. The print you buy will be printed using the highest-resolution, print-ready digital scan from our database.

It depends on our agreement with each of our Content Partners. All images are available as a print, and some of those images are also available as additional products for personal use only. 

All products sold are for personal use only and cannot be reproduced or resold in any way. If you would like to produce a range of prints, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss.


No, any print purchased is for your own personal use and not for any commercial venture.

We're sorry there's an issue with your order. Please contact our print partner with your query and they will be happy to help. Bridgeman Images merely provides a link to a third-party service. The print partner is solely responsible for the fulfilment of your order and any issues that may arise in the course of it.

No, you will be redirected to our print partner. The print partner is solely responsible for the fulfilment of your order and any issues that may arise in the course of it. Bridgeman Images accepts no responsibility for the fulfilment of your order.


Yes, we have an online image resource for education called Bridgeman Education

The Bridgeman Education database is an invaluable research, teaching and learning tool. Sourced from the world’s leading museums, galleries, contemporary artists and private collections, it is a unique archive of digital images.


We offer a simple, affordable subscription service to those in education. These include universities, schools, colleges, students, teachers or academics. A flat-rate annual fee grants you unlimited access. Fees are based on the size of your institution or your status as a teacher or student.

For institutional access, we can offer access through IP range(s), Shibboleth, Referring URL as well as username and password. This allows for easy and instant logging on, whether on or off-campus.


Yes, we do. Please contact us or your Account Manager to discuss this.


 Yes, we do. Please contact us or your Account Manager.


Many of our images are available for sale as art prints, and are indicated with a "Buy Print" button underneath the image. If you prefer to print an image yourself you can select the Personal Use Option in the e-commerce section. Once you've bought the file, you can then arrange to have it printed at your local print shop or print company.

Alternatively, you can shop with one of our international partners who offer high-quality prints on demand:

UK: For art: Prodigi https://www.prodigi.com/ 

For photography: Sonic Editions https://www.soniceditions.com/  

USA: Art.com https://www.art.com/ 

France: Muzeo https://fr.muzeo.com/ 

Germany: Posterlounge https://www.posterlounge.com/ 

Italy: Shopart https://www.shopart.it/it/

Meisterdrucke https://www.meisterdrucke.com/ 

Copia di Arte https://www.copia-di-arte.com/

Rest of the world: Europosters https://www.europosters.eu/ 


We only sell digital files for reproduction. We do not handle original paintings. 


We don't have the expertise to give advice about or value your original artwork. Asking an art dealer or auction house would be a better idea.


Yes, you can. Just select the 'Website or Social Media' option.


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