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Wads of East German 100 mark notes with the portrait of communist thinker Karl Marx...

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Wads of East German 100 mark notes with the portrait of communist thinker Karl Marx are seen in the .., 2002-06-19 (photo)
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Fabrizio Bensch
2002 AD
Shooting Date
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Wads of East German 100 mark notes with the portrait of communist thinker Karl Marx are seen in the sand deposited in a former Nazi tunnel complex in Halberstadt, about 200 km southwest of Berlin June 19, 2002. Authorities are shifting and burning the 3,000 tonnes of notes, the entire paper cash stock of the former communist East Germany, to prevent a continuation of thefts from the complex.

Foto Credit
REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch / Bridgeman Images
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