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21. August 1940 (70 Jahre)
Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary and Marxist theorist, was assassinated.
21. August 1959 (51 Jahre)
President Eisenhower signed proclamation admitting Hawaii to the union as the 50th state.
22. August 0565 (1445 Jahre)
St. Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland.
22. August 1862 (148 Jahre)
Claude Debussy, französischer Komponist, wird geboren.
22. August 1893 (117 Jahre)
Dorothy Parker, American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, was born.
22. August 1939 (71 Jahre)
The Molotov-Ribbentrop is signed. The pact between Germany and Russia, reported as a non-aggression treaty but was actually an agreement to split Poland between them.
23. August 1912 (98 Jahre)
Eugene Curran "Gene" Kelly, US-amerikanischer Tänzer und Schauspieler, wird geboren.
23. August 1926 (84 Jahre)
Rudolph Valentino, italienischer Schauspieler der Stummfilmzeit, stirbt.
23. August 1926 (84 Jahre)
Rudolph Valentino, italienischer Schauspieler der Stummfilmzeit, stirbt.
23. August 1927 (83 Jahre)
Nicola Sacco und Bartolomeo Vanzetti werden in Amerika wegen Raubmordes hingerichtet.
23. August 1942 (68 Jahre)
2. Weltkrieg: Beginn der Schlacht von Stalingrad.
23. August 1942 (68 Jahre)
The Battle of Stalingrad starts, major WWII battle in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
23. August 1946 (64 Jahre)
Keith Moon, britischer Musiker und Schlagzeuger der Rockgruppe "The Who", wurde geboren.
24. August 1215 (795 Jahre)
Pope Innocent III declares Magna Carta invalid.
24. August 1875 (135 Jahre)
Captain Matthew Webb became first person to swim the English Channel.
25. August 1867 (143 Jahre)
Michael Faraday, englischer Naturforscher und Experimentalphysiker, stirbt.
25. August 1930 (80 Jahre)
Sir Thomas Sean Connery, Scottish actor and producer, is born.
25. August 1958 (52 Jahre)
Tim Burton, American director, producer, and screenwriter, was born.
25. August 1984 (26 Jahre)
Truman Capote, the American author and playwright, died.
26. August 1666 (344 Jahre)
Frans Hals, bedeutender holländischer Porträtmaler, stirbt.
26. August 1768 (242 Jahre)
Captain James Cook set sail from England on board HMS Endeavour.
26. August 1813 (197 Jahre)
Battle of Dresden, Napoleon I against the Sixth Coalition.
26. August 1813 (197 Jahre)
Nicaise de Keyser, Flemish painter, is born.
26. August 1910 (100 Jahre)
Mother Teresa MC, the Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun, missionary and Saint, was born.
26. August 1974 (36 Jahre)
Charles Lindbergh, the American aviation pioneer, died.
27. August 1890 (120 Jahre)
Man Ray, American-French modernist painter and photographer, is born.
27. August 1965 (45 Jahre)
Le Corbusier, Swiss-born French architect and city planner, died.
28. August 1963 (47 Jahre)
Martin Luther King Jr says his "I have a dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
28. August 1987 (23 Jahre)
John Marcellus Huston, US-amerikanischer Regisseur, Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor, stirbt.
28. August 1987 (23 Jahre)
Nicolas Roeg discusses John Huston's work. The American film director, screenwriter and actor died on this day.