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Le Cintre et la nebuleuse SH2 - 83 - Coathanger and nebula SH2 - 83...

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Le Cintre et la nebuleuse SH2 - 83 - Coathanger and nebula SH2 - 83 in Vulpecula - L'amas du Cintre ou amas de Brocchi (a gauche) n'est pas un veritable amas d'etoiles mais un asterisme situe dans la constellation du Petit Renard. Vers le centre de l'image, une petite nebuleuse a emission, Sh2 - 83. Constellation du Petit Renard. Brocchi's Cluster (also known as the Coathanger or Collinder 399) is an asterism located in the constellation Vulpecula. It was first described by the Persian astronomer Al Sufi in his Book of Fixed Stars in 964 and was independently rediscovered by Giovanni Hodierna in the seventeenth century. In the 1920s, D. F. Brocchi, an amateur astronomer and chart maker for the American Association of Variable Star Observers, created a map of this object for use in calibrating photometers. The asterism is made up of ten stars ranging from fifth to seventh magnitude which form the conspicuous Coathanger, a straight line of six stars with a ""hook"" of four stars on the south side. An additional thirty or so fainter stars are sometimes considered to be associated as well. Under a dark sky, Brocchi's Cluster can be seen with the naked eye as an unresolved patch of light; binoculars or a telescope at very low power are usually needed in order to view the ""coathanger"" asterism. It is best found by slowly sweeping across the Milky Way along an imaginary line from the bright star Altair toward the even brighter star Vega. About one third of the way toward Vega, the Coathanger should be spotted easily against a darker region of the Milky Way. The status of this group as a star cluster has changed in recent years. The main stars were cataloged as an open cluster by Per Collinder in 1931, and the group was considered to be a cluster for most of the twentieth century. Looking at a variety of criteria, however, a study in 1970 concluded that only six of the brightest stars formed an actual cluster. Several independent studies since 1998 have now determined that t
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Tom Davis
Description de l'image

Le Cintre et la nebuleuse SH2 - 83 - Coathanger and nebula SH2 - 83 in Vulpecula - L'amas du Cintre ou amas de Brocchi (a gauche) n'est pas un veritable amas d'etoiles mais un asterisme situe dans la constellation du Petit Renard. Vers le centre de l'image, une petite nebuleuse a emission, Sh2 - 83. Constellation du Petit Renard. Brocchi's Cluster (also known as the Coathanger or Collinder 399) is an asterism located in the constellation Vulpecula. It was first described by the Persian astronomer Al Sufi in his Book of Fixed Stars in 964 and was independently rediscovered by Giovanni Hodierna in the seventeenth century. In the 1920s, D. F. Brocchi, an amateur astronomer and chart maker for the American Association of Variable Star Observers, created a map of this object for use in calibrating photometers. The asterism is made up of ten stars ranging from fifth to seventh magnitude which form the conspicuous Coathanger, a straight line of six stars with a ""hook"" of four stars on the south side. An additional thirty or so fainter stars are sometimes considered to be associated as well. Under a dark sky, Brocchi's Cluster can be seen with the naked eye as an unresolved patch of light; binoculars or a telescope at very low power are usually needed in order to view the ""coathanger"" asterism. It is best found by slowly sweeping across the Milky Way along an imaginary line from the bright star Altair toward the even brighter star Vega. About one third of the way toward Vega, the Coathanger should be spotted easily against a darker region of the Milky Way. The status of this group as a star cluster has changed in recent years. The main stars were cataloged as an open cluster by Per Collinder in 1931, and the group was considered to be a cluster for most of the twentieth century. Looking at a variety of criteria, however, a study in 1970 concluded that only six of the brightest stars formed an actual cluster. Several independent studies since 1998 have now determined that t

Crédit Photo
Photo © Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
astronomie / ciel / espace / étoile / galaxie / Novapix / Photographie / 2009 / Amas D'etoiles / Asterisme / Cintre / Cr 399 / Etoile / Lbn 130 / Nebuleuse / Nebuleuse A Emission / Nebuleuse Par Reflexion / Petit Renard / Sh2-83 / Vulpecula / 2009 / Asterism / Astronomy / Coathanger / Cr 399 / Emission Nebula / Lbn 130 / Nebula / Open Cluster / Reflection Nebula / Sh2-83 / Star / Star Cluster / Vulpecula

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