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Mithras from Cabra. 2nd c. (93 x 96 x 35 cm.). Mithra (God). Solar deity...

Titre de l'image
Mithras from Cabra. 2nd c. (93 x 96 x 35 cm.). Mithra (God). Solar deity of Persian and Indian origin which was adopted by the Romans. His cult was developed as a mystery and esoteric religion known as Mithraism. This sculpture depicts Mithra dressed with the Phrygian cap, sacrificing the bull. The dog, faithful friend of Mithra who keeps the soul, drinks the cleansing blood that flows from the bull. The snake produces plants while scorpion men and animals (symbols of a creator god). Roman art. Sculpture on marble. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Cordoba. Archaeological Museum of Cordoba. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. CORDOBA. Cabra
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Description de l'image

Mithras from Cabra. 2nd c. (93 x 96 x 35 cm.). Mithra (God). Solar deity of Persian and Indian origin which was adopted by the Romans. His cult was developed as a mystery and esoteric religion known as Mithraism. This sculpture depicts Mithra dressed with the Phrygian cap, sacrificing the bull. The dog, faithful friend of Mithra who keeps the soul, drinks the cleansing blood that flows from the bull. The snake produces plants while scorpion men and animals (symbols of a creator god). Roman art. Sculpture on marble. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Cordoba. Archaeological Museum of Cordoba. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. CORDOBA. Cabra

Crédit Photo
AIC / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
2eme siecle / animal / civilisation / sculpture / Antiquite / 2 2e 2eme II IIe IIeme siecle / Empire Romain / Rome Antique / Personnage mythologique / Mythologie / Paganisme / Culte / Sacrifice / Rituel / Taureau / ANDALUSIA / Archaeological Museum of Cordoba / Art / Cabra / Classical Mythology / Culture / cultured / Dog / EUROPE / La Campina Andaluza / Marble / Mithra (God) / Mithras from Cabra. 2nd c / Mitra / Mythology / Ophidian / paganism / Religion / Roman art / Scorpion / Sculpture / Sculpture in the round / Slit / to sacrifice / Zodiac / Espagne Espagnol Espagnole Espagnols Espagnoles

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