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L'ATV rejoint la station spatiale internationale - Vue d'artiste - The ATV approaching the International...

Titre de l'image
L'ATV rejoint la station spatiale internationale - Vue d'artiste - The ATV approaching the International Space Station - Artist view - Vue d'artiste du cargo automatique europeen ATV en approche de la station spatiale internationale. Destine a ravitailler la station en materiel divers, l'ATV, avec plusieurs tonnes de carburant embarque, sera utilise pour remonter regulierement la station sur son orbite. Artist's impression of the Automated Transfer Vehicle approaching the International Space Station. In combination with ESA's new Ariane 5, the 20.5 t, 8.5 m - long Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will enable Europe to transport cargo to the International Space Station. It can remain docked for up to 6 months, during which time it will be loaded with Station waste before being undocked and flown into Earth's atmosphere to burn up
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D. Ducros
Description de l'image

L'ATV rejoint la station spatiale internationale - Vue d'artiste - The ATV approaching the International Space Station - Artist view - Vue d'artiste du cargo automatique europeen ATV en approche de la station spatiale internationale. Destine a ravitailler la station en materiel divers, l'ATV, avec plusieurs tonnes de carburant embarque, sera utilise pour remonter regulierement la station sur son orbite. Artist's impression of the Automated Transfer Vehicle approaching the International Space Station. In combination with ESA's new Ariane 5, the 20.5 t, 8.5 m - long Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will enable Europe to transport cargo to the International Space Station. It can remain docked for up to 6 months, during which time it will be loaded with Station waste before being undocked and flown into Earth's atmosphere to burn up

Crédit Photo
Photo © ESA/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
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