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Amas globulaire M72 dans le Verseau - Globular cluster M72 in Aquarius - M72 (NGC...

Titre de l'image
Amas globulaire M72 dans le Verseau - Globular cluster M72 in Aquarius - M72 (NGC 6981) est un amas d'etoiles situe a environ 50 000 annees - lumiere de la Terre. Image obtenue par le telescope spatial Hubble. This rich collection of scattered stars, known as Messier 72, is actually a globular cluster, an ancient spherical collection of old stars packed much closer together at its centre. As well as huge numbers of stars in the cluster itself the picture also captures the images of many much more distant galaxies seen between and around the cluster stars. French astronomer Pierre Mechain discovered this rich cluster in August of 1780, but we take Messier 72's most common name from Mechain's colleague Charles Messier, who recorded it as the 72nd entry in his famous catalogue of comet - like objects just two months later. This globular cluster lies in the constellation of Aquarius (the Water Bearer) about 50 000 light - years from Earth. This image was taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The exposure times were about ten minutes per filter and the field of view is about 3.4 arcminutes across
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Description de l'image

Amas globulaire M72 dans le Verseau - Globular cluster M72 in Aquarius - M72 (NGC 6981) est un amas d'etoiles situe a environ 50 000 annees - lumiere de la Terre. Image obtenue par le telescope spatial Hubble. This rich collection of scattered stars, known as Messier 72, is actually a globular cluster, an ancient spherical collection of old stars packed much closer together at its centre. As well as huge numbers of stars in the cluster itself the picture also captures the images of many much more distant galaxies seen between and around the cluster stars. French astronomer Pierre Mechain discovered this rich cluster in August of 1780, but we take Messier 72's most common name from Mechain's colleague Charles Messier, who recorded it as the 72nd entry in his famous catalogue of comet - like objects just two months later. This globular cluster lies in the constellation of Aquarius (the Water Bearer) about 50 000 light - years from Earth. This image was taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The exposure times were about ten minutes per filter and the field of view is about 3.4 arcminutes across

Crédit Photo
Photo © Esa/NASA/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
astronomie / Novapix / 2010 / Amas D'etoiles / Amas Globulaire / Aquarius / Etoile / Hst / Hubble / Hubble Space Telescope / M72 / Ngc 6981 / Verseau / 2010 / Aquarius / Astronomy / Globular Cluster / Hst / Hubble / Hubble Space Telescope / M72 / Ngc 6981 / Star / Star Cluster

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