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La station spatiale internationale (ISS) et la navette Endeavour 05/2011 - The Space Shuttle Endeavour...

Titre de l'image
La station spatiale internationale (ISS) et la navette Endeavour 05/2011 - The Space Shuttle Endeavour docked to the International Space Station (ISS) 05/2011 - Vue de la navette spatiale Endeavour amarree a la station spatiale internationale, depuis le vaisseau Soyouz TMA - 20 le 23 mai 2011. Cette serie d'images montre pour la premiere fois une navette amarree a la station spatiale depuis un vaisseau russe Soyouz. This image of the International Space Station and the docked Space Shuttle Endeavour, flying at an altitude of approximately 220 miles, was taken by Expedition 27 crew member Paolo Nespoli from the Soyuz TMA - 20 following its undocking on May 23, 2011 (USA time). The pictures are the first taken of a shuttle docked to the International Space Station from the perspective of a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Onboard the Soyuz were Russian cosmonaut and Expedition 27 commander Dmitry Kondratyev; Nespoli, a European Space Agency astronaut; and NASA astronaut Cady Coleman. Coleman and Nespoli were both flight engineers. The three landed in Kazakhstan later that day, completing 159 days in space
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Description de l'image

La station spatiale internationale (ISS) et la navette Endeavour 05/2011 - The Space Shuttle Endeavour docked to the International Space Station (ISS) 05/2011 - Vue de la navette spatiale Endeavour amarree a la station spatiale internationale, depuis le vaisseau Soyouz TMA - 20 le 23 mai 2011. Cette serie d'images montre pour la premiere fois une navette amarree a la station spatiale depuis un vaisseau russe Soyouz. This image of the International Space Station and the docked Space Shuttle Endeavour, flying at an altitude of approximately 220 miles, was taken by Expedition 27 crew member Paolo Nespoli from the Soyuz TMA - 20 following its undocking on May 23, 2011 (USA time). The pictures are the first taken of a shuttle docked to the International Space Station from the perspective of a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Onboard the Soyuz were Russian cosmonaut and Expedition 27 commander Dmitry Kondratyev; Nespoli, a European Space Agency astronaut; and NASA astronaut Cady Coleman. Coleman and Nespoli were both flight engineers. The three landed in Kazakhstan later that day, completing 159 days in space

Crédit Photo
Photo © NASA/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
Novapix / 2011 / Amarrage / Endeavour / Espace / Expedition 27 / Iss / Limbe / Navette Spatiale / Panneau Solaire / Poster / Station Spatiale / Station Spatiale Internationale / Sts-134 / Terre / Terre Vue De L'espace / Vol Habite / 2011 / Docking / Earth / Earth From Space / Endeavour / Expedition 27 / International Space Station / Iss / Limb / Manned Spaceflight / Poster / Solar Panel / Space / Space Shuttle / Space Station / Sts-134

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