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Galaxie spirale NGC 1313 dans le Reticule - The starburst galaxy NGC 1313 - NGC...

Titre de l'image
Galaxie spirale NGC 1313 dans le Reticule - The starburst galaxy NGC 1313 - NGC 1313 est une galaxie situee a environ 15 millions d'annees - lumiere. D'intenses formations d'etoiles y sont observees. Image realisee avec le telescope de 3,9m de Siding Spring. In visible light, NGC 1313 seems dominated by scattered patches of star formation which give our picture a rather ragged appearance. The clouds of bluish stars seem to have burst into existence at random, without the normal trigger gravitational interaction or even a distinct spiral to prompt them. Star formation seems to have occurred in a series of irregular, self - sustaining bursts. However, a very deep image shows that the outer parts of galaxy are also very disturbed. Seen with a radio telescope, the galaxy is rich in hydrogen, the raw material of stars, and the gas circulates around the centre of the galaxy in a well ordered way, apparently hardly affected by the starburst activity or other irregularities that so colour our visual impression of this unusual galaxy. NGC 1313 is at a distance of about 15 million light years, close enough for some of its brightest stars to be seen as individuals
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Description de l'image

Galaxie spirale NGC 1313 dans le Reticule - The starburst galaxy NGC 1313 - NGC 1313 est une galaxie situee a environ 15 millions d'annees - lumiere. D'intenses formations d'etoiles y sont observees. Image realisee avec le telescope de 3,9m de Siding Spring. In visible light, NGC 1313 seems dominated by scattered patches of star formation which give our picture a rather ragged appearance. The clouds of bluish stars seem to have burst into existence at random, without the normal trigger gravitational interaction or even a distinct spiral to prompt them. Star formation seems to have occurred in a series of irregular, self - sustaining bursts. However, a very deep image shows that the outer parts of galaxy are also very disturbed. Seen with a radio telescope, the galaxy is rich in hydrogen, the raw material of stars, and the gas circulates around the centre of the galaxy in a well ordered way, apparently hardly affected by the starburst activity or other irregularities that so colour our visual impression of this unusual galaxy. NGC 1313 is at a distance of about 15 million light years, close enough for some of its brightest stars to be seen as individuals

Crédit Photo
Photo © Anglo-Australian Observatory/David Malin Images/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
astronomie / 1992 / Aao / Etoile / Formation D'etoiles / Galaxie / Galaxie Spirale / Hemisphere Sud / Ngc 1313 / Poster / Reticule / Reticulum / Sbcd / 1992 / Aao / Astronomy / Galaxy / Ngc 1313 / Poster / Reticulum / Sbcd / Southern Hemisphere / Spiral Galaxy / Star / Star Formation / Novapix

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