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Mars - Opportunity - Cratere Victoria 09 - 2006 - Mars: Victoria crater seen from...

Titre de l'image
Mars - Opportunity - Cratere Victoria 09 - 2006 - Mars: Victoria crater seen from rover Opportunity - Panorama obtenu par le rover Opportunity les 28 et 29 Septembre 2006. Le Rover Opportunity s'est pose sur Mars dans la region de Meridiani Planum, le 25 Janvier 2004. Opportunity a atteint le cratere Victoria le 27 Septembre 2006 apres avoir parcouru plus de 9 km a la surface de Mars. Le cratere Victoria mesure environ 800 metres de large et sa face sud, a gauche, s'eleve a environ 6 metres au - dessus du sol. This image taken by the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the view of Victoria Crater from Duck Bay. Opportunity reached Victoria Crater on Sol 951 (September 27, 2006) after traversing 9.28 kilometers (5.77 miles) since her landing site at Eagle Crater. Victoria Crater is roughly 800 meters (one - half mile) wide - - about five times wider than Endurance Crater, and 40 times as wide as Eagle crater. The south face of the 6 meter (20 foot) tall layered Cape Verde promontory can be seen in the left side of the inner crater wall, about 50 meters (about 165 feet) away from the rover at the time of the imaging. The north face of the 15 meter (50 foot) tall stack of layered rocks called Cabo Frio can be seen on the right side of the inner crater wall. This mosaic was taken on Sols 952 and 953 (September 28 and 29, 2006). There are 30 separate pointings through 6 different filters at each pointing
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Description de l'image

Mars - Opportunity - Cratere Victoria 09 - 2006 - Mars: Victoria crater seen from rover Opportunity - Panorama obtenu par le rover Opportunity les 28 et 29 Septembre 2006. Le Rover Opportunity s'est pose sur Mars dans la region de Meridiani Planum, le 25 Janvier 2004. Opportunity a atteint le cratere Victoria le 27 Septembre 2006 apres avoir parcouru plus de 9 km a la surface de Mars. Le cratere Victoria mesure environ 800 metres de large et sa face sud, a gauche, s'eleve a environ 6 metres au - dessus du sol. This image taken by the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the view of Victoria Crater from Duck Bay. Opportunity reached Victoria Crater on Sol 951 (September 27, 2006) after traversing 9.28 kilometers (5.77 miles) since her landing site at Eagle Crater. Victoria Crater is roughly 800 meters (one - half mile) wide - - about five times wider than Endurance Crater, and 40 times as wide as Eagle crater. The south face of the 6 meter (20 foot) tall layered Cape Verde promontory can be seen in the left side of the inner crater wall, about 50 meters (about 165 feet) away from the rover at the time of the imaging. The north face of the 15 meter (50 foot) tall stack of layered rocks called Cabo Frio can be seen on the right side of the inner crater wall. This mosaic was taken on Sols 952 and 953 (September 28 and 29, 2006). There are 30 separate pointings through 6 different filters at each pointing

Crédit Photo
Photo © NASA/JPL/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
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Grand 10000 × 1473 px 847 × 125 mm 2.1 MB
Moyenne définition 1024 × 151 px 87 × 13 mm 154 KB

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