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Mars: terrain chaotique entre Kasei Valles et Sacra Fossae - Mars: Chaotic terrain between Kasei...

Titre de l'image
Mars: terrain chaotique entre Kasei Valles et Sacra Fossae - Mars: Chaotic terrain between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae - Region a la limite de Kasei Valles (en haut) et Sacra Fossae (en bas). Kasei Valles est l'un des plus grands systemes de canaux martiens. Le grand cratere d'impact sur la droite mesure 35 km de diametre. L'image qui couvre une zone de 225 km par 95 km, a ete obtenue par la sonde Mars Express. Mars Express flew over the boundary between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae and imaged the region, acquiring spectacular views of the chaotic terrain in the area. The images are centred at 12*N/ 285*E and have a ground resolution of about 21 m/pixel. They cover 225 x 95 km or 21.375 sq km, an area roughly half the size of the Netherlands. The upper portion of the image swath shows the eastern margin of Kasei Valles and the western margin of the Lunae Planum plateau and the adjoining Sacra Fossae. Kasei Valles is one of the largest outflow channels on Mars, spanning 3000 km, from the Chryse Planitia basin in the north to Echus Chasma to the south. The impact crater at right is 35 km diameter
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Description de l'image

Mars: terrain chaotique entre Kasei Valles et Sacra Fossae - Mars: Chaotic terrain between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae - Region a la limite de Kasei Valles (en haut) et Sacra Fossae (en bas). Kasei Valles est l'un des plus grands systemes de canaux martiens. Le grand cratere d'impact sur la droite mesure 35 km de diametre. L'image qui couvre une zone de 225 km par 95 km, a ete obtenue par la sonde Mars Express. Mars Express flew over the boundary between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae and imaged the region, acquiring spectacular views of the chaotic terrain in the area. The images are centred at 12*N/ 285*E and have a ground resolution of about 21 m/pixel. They cover 225 x 95 km or 21.375 sq km, an area roughly half the size of the Netherlands. The upper portion of the image swath shows the eastern margin of Kasei Valles and the western margin of the Lunae Planum plateau and the adjoining Sacra Fossae. Kasei Valles is one of the largest outflow channels on Mars, spanning 3000 km, from the Chryse Planitia basin in the north to Echus Chasma to the south. The impact crater at right is 35 km diameter

Crédit Photo
Photo © ESA/DLR/FU Berlin-G. Neukum/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
astronomie / 2009 / Canal / Cratere / Cratere D'impact / Mars / Mars Express / Panorama / Planete / Poster / 2009 / Astronomy / Channel / Crater / Impact Crater / Mars / Mars Express / Panorama / Planet / Poster / Novapix

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