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Constellation de la Croix du Sud - The Southern cross - La Croix du Sud...

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Constellation de la Croix du Sud - The Southern cross - La Croix du Sud et les etoiles Alpha et Beta du Centaure. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Alongside the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compass and calendar
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Constellation de la Croix du Sud - The Southern cross - La Croix du Sud et les etoiles Alpha et Beta du Centaure. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Alongside the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compass and calendar

Crédit Photo
Photo © A.Fujii/David Malin Images/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
astronomie / Novapix / Constellation / Crux / Eta Carinae / Etoile / Hemisphere Sud / Ic 2602 / Mouche / Musca / Nebuleuse / Nebuleuse Sombre Ngc 3372 / Poster / Sac A Charbon / Voie Lactee / Alpha Centauri / Astronomy / Coal Sack / Constellation / Crux / Dark Nebula / Eta Carinae / Ic 2602 / Milky Way / Musca / Nebula / Poster / Southern Cross / Southern Hemisphere / Star

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