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10th November 2008 (3 années)
Miriam Makeba, South African singer-songwriter, actress, and activist, died.
11th November 1863 (148 années)
Paul Signac, French painter, was born.
11th November 1868 (143 années)
Jean-Édouard Vuillard, French painter and printmaker associated with the Nabis, was born.
11th November 1918 (93 années)
WWI: Germany signs the armistice with the Allies in a railroad car in the forest of Compiègne, France. The fighting officially ends at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
11th November 1976 (35 années)
Alexander Calder, American sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture, dies.
11th November 1976 (35 années)
Alexander Calder, American sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture, dies.
12th November 1840 (171 années)
Auguste René Rodin, considered as one of the most remarkable sculptors of his time, is born.
12th November 1866 (145 années)
Sun Yat-Sen, Chinese revolutionary and politician, 1st President of the Republic of China, was born.
12th November 1866 (145 années)
Sun Yat-sen, Chinese revolutionary and politician, 1st President of the Republic of China, is born.
12th November 1916 (95 années)
Percival Lowell, American businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomerm, dies.
12th November 1954 (57 années)
The closure of Ellis Island, the main immigration station in New York Harbour. It opened in 1892.
12th November 1981 (30 années)
William Holden, American actor and singer, died.
13th November 1868 (143 années)
Gioachino Rossini, Italian composer who wrote The Barber of Seville, died.
14th November 1263 (748 années)
Saint Alexander Nevsky, Russian nobleman, Prince of Novgorod and Kiev, Grand Prince of Vladimir, dies.
14th November 1716 (295 années)
Gottfried Leibniz, German philosopher and mathematician, dies.
14th November 1840 (171 années)
Claude Monet, French painter and master of Impressionism, was born.
14th November 1922 (89 années)
Daily broadcasting by the BBC began in Marconi's London studio in the Strand.
14th November 1940 (71 années)
World War II: In England, the city of Coventry is heavily bombed by German Luftwaffe bombers. Coventry Cathedral is almost completely destroyed.
14th November 1948 (63 années)
Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales, was born.
15th November 1515 (496 années)
Thomas Wolsey is invested as a Cardinal.
15th November 1887 (124 années)
Georgia O'Keeffe, American artist, is born.
15th November 1887 (124 années)
Georgia O'Keeffe, American artist, is born.
15th November 1891 (120 années)
Erwin Rommel, known as the Desert Fox, German field marshal during WWII, was born.
15th November 1917 (94 années)
WWI - at one of the darkest hours for the French war effort, Georges Benjamin Clemenceau was appointed prime minister.
15th November 1958 (53 années)
Tyrone Power, American actor, singer, and producer, died.
15th November 1969 (42 années)
Over 250,000 people joined in a demonstration in Washington to protest against the Vietnam War.
16th November 1988 (23 années)
Lotte Stam-Beese, German architect, dies.
17th November 1793 (218 années)
Charles Lock Eastlake, English painter, historian, and academic, was born.
17th November 1917 (94 années)
Auguste Rodin, French sculptor, dies.