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March - Opportunity - Panorama - 05/2007 - March: D - Star Panorama by Opportunity...

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March - Opportunity - Panorama - 05/2007 - March: D - Star Panorama by Opportunity (False Color) - Panorama in fake colors obtained by the rover Opportunity on 1st May 2007. The Rover Opportunity landed on Mars in the Meridiani Planum region on January 25, 2004. Opportunity reached the Victoria crater (in the background, at the top of the picture) on September 27, 2006 after having travelled more than 9 km on the surface of Mars. On April 29, 2007, the rover tested a new navigation software to optimize its driving. The traces left on Martian soil are visible to the left of the image. The rocks towards the center of the image are 7 to 10 cm high. This view from Opportunity shows the tracks left by a drive executed with more onboard autonomy than has been used on any other drive by a Mars rover. Opportunity made the curving, 15.8 - meter (52 - foot) drive during its 1,160th Martian day, or sol (April 29, 2007). It was testing a navigational capability called “Field D - star,””” which enables the rover to plan optimal long - range drives around any obstacles in order to travel the most direct safe route to the drive's designated destination. Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, did not have this capability until the third year after their January 2004 landings on Mars. Earlier, they could recognize hazards when they approached them closely, then back away and try another angle, but could not always find a safe route away from hazards. Field D - Star and several other upgrades were part of new onboard software uploaded from Earth in 2006. The Sol 1,160 drive by Opportunity was a Martian field test of Field D - Star and also used several other features of autonomy, including visual odometry to track the rover's actual position after each segment of the drive, avoidance of designated keep - out zones, and combining information from two sets of stereo images to consider a wide swath of terrain in analyzing the route. Two days later, on Sol 1,162, (May 1, 2007), Opp
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March - Opportunity - Panorama - 05/2007 - March: D - Star Panorama by Opportunity (False Color) - Panorama in fake colors obtained by the rover Opportunity on 1st May 2007. The Rover Opportunity landed on Mars in the Meridiani Planum region on January 25, 2004. Opportunity reached the Victoria crater (in the background, at the top of the picture) on September 27, 2006 after having travelled more than 9 km on the surface of Mars. On April 29, 2007, the rover tested a new navigation software to optimize its driving. The traces left on Martian soil are visible to the left of the image. The rocks towards the center of the image are 7 to 10 cm high. This view from Opportunity shows the tracks left by a drive executed with more onboard autonomy than has been used on any other drive by a Mars rover. Opportunity made the curving, 15.8 - meter (52 - foot) drive during its 1,160th Martian day, or sol (April 29, 2007). It was testing a navigational capability called “Field D - star,””” which enables the rover to plan optimal long - range drives around any obstacles in order to travel the most direct safe route to the drive's designated destination. Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, did not have this capability until the third year after their January 2004 landings on Mars. Earlier, they could recognize hazards when they approached them closely, then back away and try another angle, but could not always find a safe route away from hazards. Field D - Star and several other upgrades were part of new onboard software uploaded from Earth in 2006. The Sol 1,160 drive by Opportunity was a Martian field test of Field D - Star and also used several other features of autonomy, including visual odometry to track the rover's actual position after each segment of the drive, avoidance of designated keep - out zones, and combining information from two sets of stereo images to consider a wide swath of terrain in analyzing the route. Two days later, on Sol 1,162, (May 1, 2007), Opp

Photo credit
Photo © NASA/JPL/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
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