Bridgeman Images are the world's leading specialists in licensing fine art, cultural and historical media for reproduction.


With offices in London, Paris, New York, Berlin and Milan, we are one of the world’s oldest image licensing companies and have been clearing copyright and reproduction rights on behalf of artists and artists' estates since 1972. We represent thousands of images and videos suppliers, including museums, libraries, auction houses, artist estates, galleries and more.


Physichromie 1977 & Transchromie mécanique aléatoire, 2018
Physichromie 1977 & Transchromie mécanique aléatoire, 2018 / © Estate of Carlos Cruz-Diez. All rights reserved 2023 / Bridgeman Images


Bridgeman Images has a collection of over 5,5 million works


Our collection of over four-million works spans centuries, specialisms, geographies and mediums including early and modern photography, paintings, textiles, sculpture, maps, documentary footage and more.

Our in-house picture researchers and copyright specialists are on hand to lend their creative and practical experience to help find the perfect image or video for any use.