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The façade, representation of the Last Judgment in scenes divided by vine branches (bas relief)




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Largest available format 8481 × 14752 px 96 MB
Dimension [pixels] Dimension in 300dpi [mm] File size [MB] Online Purchase
Large 8481 × 14752 px 718 × 1249 mm 95.9 MB
title.quality.20 3449 × 5999 px 292 × 508 mm 28.0 MB
Medium 589 × 1024 px 50 × 87 mm 971 KB

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The façade, representation of the Last Judgment in scenes divided by vine branches (bas relief)

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Ghigo Roli


bas relief

Image description

The façade, whose building started at the end of the XIII century. Representation of the Last Judgment in scenes divided by vine branches: Christ the judge among angels, prophets, apostles, Mary, the Baptist, the instruments of passion and the angels who call the dead at the judgment; The Chosen led to heavenly bliss; The division of the elected from the reprobate; The Resurrection of the dead and the expulsion of the reprobate in Hell. Orvieto, Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (o Duomo): la facciata, iniziata alla fine del XIII secolo. Particolare del rivestimento dei quattro pilastri delle porte. Si tratta di lastree marmoree con bassorilievi eseguite tra il 1320 e il 1330 da Lorenzo Maitani con l'aiuto di maestranze senesi e pisane.Rappresentazione del Giudizio Universale in scene divise da rami di vite: Cristo giudice tra angeli, profeti, apostoli, Maria, il Battista, gli strumenti della passione e gli angeli che chiamano i morti al Giudizio; Gli Eletti condotti alla beatitudine celeste; La divisione degli eletti dai reprobi; La Resurrezione dei morti e la cacciata dei reprobi nell'Inferno.

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Photo credit

Ghigo Roli / Bridgeman Images

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No Additional Copyright
Largest available format 8481 × 14752 px 96 MB
Dimension [pixels] Dimension in 300dpi [mm] File size [MB] Online Purchase
Large 8481 × 14752 px 718 × 1249 mm 95.9 MB
title.quality.20 3449 × 5999 px 292 × 508 mm 28.0 MB
Medium 589 × 1024 px 50 × 87 mm 971 KB

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