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Oslo. The Storting. Difficult negotiations on revised national budget. - The Progress …, 1998 (photo)

BILD Nummer
Oslo. The Storting. Difficult negotiations on revised national budget. - The Progress …, 1998 (photo)
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Terje Bendiksby
1998 AD (C20th AD)
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Oslo. The Storting. Difficult negotiations on revised national budget. - The Progress Party's fiscal spokeswoman, Siv Jensen on Sunday, rejected the latest proposals for a revised national budget as a package. (Photo: Terje Bendiksby, NTB Plus)

Foto Credit
Bridgeman Images
Schlagwörter für das Bild
Norwegen / Europa / Skandinavien / bild / mzphoto
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Größtes erhältliches Format 2000 × 1599 px 0 MB
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Groß 2000 × 1599 px 169 × 135 mm 430 KB
Mittel 1024 × 819 px 87 × 69 mm 982 KB

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