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Zoological Society of London

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The Zoological Society of London is a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. It was founded in 1826. Since 1828 it has maintained the London Zoo, and since 1931 Whipsnade Park. It aims to inspire future generations through amazing experiences with animals, giving them a lifelong connection to wildlife and an understanding of the part that they can play; inform the world about the challenges facing wildlife and the ways we all can address these, based on our scientific research, experience and expertise; and empower communities, leaders and influencers by ...
The Zoological Society of London is a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. It was founded in 1826. Since 1828 it has maintained the London Zoo, and since 1931 Whipsnade Park. It aims to inspire future generations through amazing experiences with animals, giving them a lifelong connection to wildlife and an understanding of the part that they can play; inform the world about the challenges facing wildlife and the ways we all can address these, based on our scientific research, experience and expertise; and empower communities, leaders and influencers by giving them methods, evidence and tools to enable people and wildlife to thrive together.

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