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Oslo 19540821, Marienlyst. Broadcasting television trials are lining towards the end of the …, 1954...

BILD Nummer
Oslo 19540821, Marienlyst. Broadcasting television trials are lining towards the end of the …, 1954 (photo)
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Aage Storløkken
1954 AD (C20th AD)
Shooting Date
Beschreibung des Bildes

Oslo 19540821, Marienlyst. Broadcasting television trials are lining towards the end of the first test year. The samples will continue the entire 1955, and what will then happen depend on the granting authorities. At the earliest 1958-59 there will be something real to look at Norwegian television believes the technical manager of Norwegian national broadcaster. After two experimental years are over, the matter will be investigated by the Television Committee, then the Broadcasting Board will look at it, and finally the government and the Storting have a word in the team. The television tests in Norway started in January from a provisional studio at Tryvasshøgda. When the ordinary television broadcasts must start, either the transmitter must be reinforced or a new transmitter must be built elsewhere. Here we see Norwegian national broadcaster at Marienlyst is expanded with a supplement. Photo: Age Storløkken / Aktuell / NTB

Foto Credit
NTB / Bridgeman Images
Schlagwörter für das Bild
1950er Jahren / 20. Jahrhundert / baustelle / bild / mzphoto
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Groß 3604 × 4743 px 305 × 402 mm 2.0 MB
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Mittel 778 × 1024 px 66 × 87 mm 403 KB

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