Your visual guide to Architecture

From antique monuments to cutting-edge contemporary architects' creations, from the Pantheon to beautifully and functionally designed houses, skyscrapers, cultural buildings, hotels, airports and apartments. Discover architectural images and architecture photographs and designs and explore how art and architectural drawings often influence each other.


Architecture Photography - where the design of the building, the setting of the photograph and the creative eye of the photographer meet to reveal the architect's genius and the stunning beauty of pure shapes.

Architecture Photography - Bauhaus Archive, Berlin
Architecture Photography - Bauhaus Archive, Berlin, Germany, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Image




Architectural Drawings - Explore a selection of plans, elevations, cross-sections, reconstructions, sketches and diagrams used to design, construct, and document buildings.


Cross-section of the Paris Opera House (w/c on paper), French School, (20th century) / Archives Larousse, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images
Cross-section of the Paris Opera House (w/c on paper), French School, (20th century) / Archives Larousse, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images


Architecture and Art - Discover how the architectural allure has influenced the work of artists and how the passion for architecture becomes a fundamental and vital part of the artwork's composition.


Architecture Photography - Golden, 2018 (photo), Ates, Güler (b.1977) / Private Collection / © Guler Ates / Bridgeman Images
Architecture Photography - Golden, 2018 (photo), Ates, Güler (b.1977) / Private Collection / © Guler Ates / Bridgeman Images


Architecture Film & Video - Watch all the clips and videos of architectural images and footage available in the Bridgeman Images archive:


Architecture Images & Film - Spire of 40 Wall Street; Manhattan; New York; USA, c.1970s / DESIGN PICS (FOOTAGE COLLECTION) / Bridgeman Images
Architecture Images & Film - Spire of 40 Wall Street; Manhattan; New York; USA, c.1970s / DESIGN PICS (FOOTAGE COLLECTION) / Bridgeman Images

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