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Images of 'Youngsters' found, 1,644

Young man waterskiing in sea with young woman sitting on his shoulders
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People at the Pakistan Border Crossing in Torkham, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan (photo)
Rahmatuallah, 14, climbs down stairs after attending a training workshop for electricians at a rehabilitation centre for war-affected children in the southern city of Kandahar. The boy lost his leg in a landmine explosion last year, and is waiting to be outfitted for a new prosthetic. He comes to the centre every day on the back of his brothers bicycle. Some 3,000 children, including former child soldiers, attend such centers, where they learn vocational skills and receive psychosocial counseling. Afghanistan. June 18, 2007.  (photo)
According to a Government record, 119 persons died from January to September 2005 in accidents at the railway track from Narayanganj to Tongi. Railway Police says that middle-aged people are the worst victims of such accidents. The death rate among children is lower. They survive with major or minor injuries, sometimes losing their limbs. In the slums along the rail line running behind Karwanbazar, about 15 children and adults have been disabled by the trains. Karwanbazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. November 14, 2007.  (photo)
Pioneer Family Portrait, Custer County, Nebraska, 1888 (b/w photo)
Belle au Bois d'Automne, 1892 (painting)
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Children playing in the Niger River (photo)
Early Start For Biplane, Florida, c.1923  (b/w photo)
Children Ready To Board Train, 1935 (b/w photo)
Civil rights, original caption: 'Congress of Racial Equality conducts march in memory of Negro youngsters killed in Birmingham bombings', All Souls Church, 16th Street, Washington DC, photograph by Thomas J. O'Halloran, September 22, 1963
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Italy, Lazio, Civita Castellana, Red-figure kylix (wine pottery) depicting youngsters embracing, inscribed (in Faliscan language) with an invitation to drink, circa 350 B.C.
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Girl Dressed in A Halloween Costume For the Celebration of Day Of The Dead (photo)
Berlin - Street art
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Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - This cluster of stars is located about 25,000 light years away from Earth. It is one of the most extensive (165 years - light) and one of the oldest known globular clusters. Globular clusters are generally peoples of very old stars, but here the Hubble space telescope has identified some young stars, blue stragglers. The globular cluster Messier 5, shown here in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, is one of the oldest belonging to the Milky Way. The majority of its stars formed more than 12 billion years ago, but there are some unexpected newcomers on the scene, adding some vitality to this aging population. Stars in globular clusters form in the same stellar nursery and grow old together. The most massive stars age quickly, exhausting their fuel supply in less than a million years, and end their lives in spectacular supernovae explosions. This process should have left the ancient cluster Messier 5 with only old, low - mass stars, which, as they have aged and cooled, have become red giants, while the oldest stars have evolved even further into blue horizontal branch stars. Yet astronomers have spotted many young, blue stars in this cluster, hiding among the much more luminous ancient stars. Astronomers think that these laggard youngsters, called blue stragglers, were created either by stellar collisions or by the transfer of mass between binary stars. Such events are easy to imagine in densely populated globular clusters, in which up to a few million stars are tightly packed together. Messier 5 lies at a distance of about 25 000 light - years in the constellation of Serpens (The Snake). This image was taken with Wide Field Channel of Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys
California El Camino Highway, California, c.1912  (b/w photo)
WWII - Reich Labor Service 1942
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Buddhist Monks Receiving Alms from Villager, Ayeyarwady River Delta, Myanmar, Ayeyarwady, Burma (photo)
Olympic Games in the ancient world (b/w photo)
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Early transistor radio, 1950s
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Youngsters among prickly pears, insurrection of the Fasci Siciliani, Italy, photograph by E X from L'Illustrazione Italiana, year XXI, no 6, February 11, 1894.
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Israeli youngsters light candles in memory of Yitzhak Rabin at the site of his assassination, now na.., 1996-10-25 (photo)
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Smiling youngsters press against a barbed wire fence. There were 126 families, with over 350 children under 15 years old, in the Phong Dien refugee hamlet operated by Buddhist nuns. January 12, 1967
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Child labour in the USA
A Little Spinner 1908 (photo)
Two Children, 1963 (oil & collage on canvas)
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Portrait of a rural girl in Chittagong, Bangladesh, February 5, 2007.  (photo)
Girls in Ambalavao, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girls, Anja, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girls, Ambalavao (photo)
Girl in Front of A Bar in Ambalavao, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girl Fishing Near Antsokay (photo)
Afghan Girl Wearing A Red Shawl in Kabul, Afghanistan (photo)
Afghan Girl in A Store at the Tajekha Bazaar, Vardak Province, Afghanistan (photo)
Woman and Children in Ambalavao, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Schoolchildren In Front Of A Food Store (photo)
Girl in Ranohira, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girls, Anja, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girls Carrying Bags On Their Heads (photo)
Family Separating Husks From Corn (photo)
Afghan Girl in Shekh Ali, Parwan Province, Afghanistan (photo)
Girl Getting Water In Ambalavao (photo)
Girl Begging, Tirana, Albania (photo)
Girls on A Road Near Anja, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar (photo)
Girl Selling Hats in Tritiva, Antananarivo Province, Madagascar (photo)