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Images of 'Watercraft' found, 1,885

Add MS 15508 [Drawing no.12] A Maori bartering a crayfish with an English naval officer, 'Drawings Illustrating Captain Cook's First Voyage', 1768-70 (ink & colour on paper)
River Tigris in Baghdad
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John Guy trades with the Indians, Newfoundland, 1612, (c1627-1628). A party of Europeans trades with the Beothuk, a tribe of Native Americans on the coast of what is now Canada. Guy holds a knife, arrow, necklace and feather; one of the Native Americans holds a hat he has just received. In the background are the Europeans' galleons, and Indian canoes. This image has sometimes been used in early works to illustrate a meeting between Bartholomew Gosnold and Indians in Virginia.
Engraved frontispiece to Mariner's Mirrour, 1588 (coloured engraving)
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Sea Fever. "All I ask is a windy day
 with the white clouds flying"
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Canoes of the Sandwich Islands, the rowers masked. A double canoe with an upright lateen sail holding nine rowers wearing gourd helmets, and one helmeted figure holding a carved idol. The shoreline in the background represents the north-west side of Kealakekua Bay.
John Webber made pictures for this event in 1779, on Cook's third voyage.
A marginal drawing of Henry III and Eleanor returning by sea from Gascony, with Nicholas de Molis is in a small boat alongside
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Royal 2 B. VII, f.73 Calendar scene for February representing Pisces, with three fishermen in a boat hauling in a long net containing fish.
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(Detail). Sea monsters attacking a ship.
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Illustrated frontispiece to the novel 'Around the World in Eighty Days'.
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A river scene with a nobleman in a morpunkhi, with a shrine and travellers. In the middle of the river is a peacock barge in which a wealthy nobleman rides, his flag flying in the stern with the emblem of the double-bladed sword ('zulfiqar') of 'Ali. On the near bank a lady visits a shrine to Siva; on the far bank travellers pass along a road which runs past a staging post and through a village.
Note: The nobleman could be Zulfiqar al-Daula Mirza Najaf Khan (d.1782), a Persian who rose to be subadar of Allahabad, and whose emblem as suggested by his title would have been the double-bladed sword.
The Battle of the Yalu River. 4
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A steam train engine floating on a pontoon on the River Jumna.
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An illustration from the journals of Charles Darwin, on his voyage on HMS Beagle. Frontispiece. Ship in full sail.
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Paradiso, Canto XXXIII. The Empyrean. Beatrice hovers above Dante, who kneels before the Virgin in Assumption; Neptune observes the 'Argo' casting a shadow
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St Mary Magdalene borne aloft by angels
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Royal 16 F. II, f.73 The Tower of London, with London Bridge behind. Charles, Duke of Orleans, seen writing, standing at a window and dispatching a letter in the courtyard
Canoe of Ulietea. Society islands.
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St. Brendan and crew on a whale, from 'Honorius Philoponus', 1621 (engraving)
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Fish incarnation, Matsya avatara, first incarnation of Vishnu.
Inscribed: 'Incarnation of the Fish'.
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'Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast'
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Bird's-eye view of Canton, with Chinese junks in the Pearl River and a harbour in the foreground. Western factories and the New City beyond, and the Old City within fortified walls and mountains in the background
Noah supervising the construction of the ark; God tells Noah to enter the ark with his family and the animals.
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The ship, 'Resolution', at anchor in Nootka Sound, during the Third Voyage of Captain Cook.
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[Whole drawing] View of Rio de Janeiro, from the anchoring place. Fort St. Sebastian on the left, and the Benedictine convent on the high ground above the ship, the Old Ambuscade. November 1768
Miniature of a man riding on a donkey, head in hand, across a bridge, as a personification of Idleness (Peresse), with full foliate borders, in the Penitential Psalms
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[Whole folio] An army on board a ship. The flags at the masthead and at the prow and stern, as well as on the two shields, bear the arms of La Salle [al. Sale]. An account of the conquest of the Canary Islands by Gadifer de la Salle and Jehan de Bethencourt, beginning with decorated initial 'E'. Border with foliate decoration
A detail of two old-fashioned whale-like sea monsters and an inset with more lifelike whales, from 'Nova Francia, alio nomine dicta Terranova, anno 1504...', 1592 (engraving)
A British Navy sea voyage in the Mediterranean. Illustrations of ships under full sail.
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A 16th century representaion of the town of Hull.
This map show the town of Hull, situated where the River Hull flows into the Humber Estuary. It is one of a series of plans which were drawn to show the condition of coastal defences in the late around 1539-40.
The map is pictorial in style, a feature typical of Tudor maps, and depicts the town in great detail, even sketching in the layout of gardens. However it clearly illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of the town as a strong hold and shows the land available to improve defences. Lines and figures record the distances between Hull and its neighbouring towns.
Several sorts of Chinese ships.
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Mauritius. 'View of Port Louis Isle of France taken from on board the ship Timandra. November 1824 the Government House and Custom House Quay'
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Text and decorated borders, including grotesque. Lower margin, two ships engaged in battle.
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A view of Batavia, the capital of the Dutch Settlements in India, c.1800.
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The 'Earl of Abergavenny' in full sail. Oil painting.
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Map of the Island of Buss in the North Atlantic. Images of Whaling and whaling ships.
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A view of the Rock of Gibraltar from the north-west, with soldiers walking along the artillery battery and ships moored in the harbour in the foreground, mountain and fortifications on the left and the British flag flying over the town on the right
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Mallicolo (Malekula) Foreground with small canoes with 3 men with clubs and bows. One man standing in profile to illustrate the Malekulan penis case (yelau), holding a large mace-like club over his shoulder, Resolution in the distance nearer the shore.
A drawing made during the second voyage of Capt. Cook, in 1772-1774.
Niger River at dawn (photo)
View of the city Teu-tcheou foo, taken from the Hindostan at anchor in the straight of Mi-a-tau.
Two English ships and some Chines barges sailing in the Bohai Sea near the port of Penglai. Signed with initials at bottom right and annotated in pencil on verso: 'View of Port of the City of Ten-cheou-fou. July 21st, 1793'. Pasted on mount with washlines.
Described as 'A distant view of the City Teu-tcheou foo, taken from the Hindostan at anchor in the streight of Mi-a-tau, a harbour of some note among the Chinese'.
Boat on the Niger River (photo)
'View of the landing at Rangoon of part of the Combined Forces from Bengal and Madras under the orders of Sir Archd. Campbell KCB on the 11th of May 1824'.
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Add. 23920, f.71 'Three paddles from New Zealand' and 'A trumpet from New Zealand; patoo patoo or bludgeon from New Zealand; ornament of the bludgeon drawn in front. Described in Joseph Banks's journal, 12th October 1769 (pencil & w/c on paper)
Sailing canoe of Tonga Tabu [New Amsterdam]. June 1774. Drawn in Indian ink, by Williamm. Hodges, during the second voyage of Capt. Cook, in 1772-1774.
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A painting of Fort St George in Madras, India. In 1731. Military fort, and harbour with ships. Ship's cannon being fired. Smoke. Battle.
Men in a boat on the back of a whale.
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Map of Lepanto in Italy. The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571. A fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Spain and other catholic European countries, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire.
A boat by a body of water; a small pond and a willow in the middle ground; Bayham House to the left; a fence and a gate to the far left; a folly with three arches to the right; trees throughout the scene
Shakespeare's Cliff Coastal landscape scenes around Great Britain.
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People in pirogues (small boats) fishing in the Niger River between Mopti and Lake Debo, Mali (photo)
Fishing boat on Lake Debo, formed by the seasonal flooding of the Niger River, Mali (photo)
Christ walking on the water, with apostles in a boat
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The Japanese naval attack on Weihaiwei
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Children playing in the Niger River (photo)
A view of Calcutta from a point
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Man in pirogues (small boats) fishing in the Niger River between Mopti and Lake Debo, Mali (photo)
Japanese army launches a night attack on Pyongyang
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Fishermen on a boat on the Niger River between Niafunke and Kabara, Mali (photo)
Fisherman throwing a net into the Niger River between Mopti and Lake Debo, Mali (photo)