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Images of 'Walked' found, 1,954

Fairy tales and legends by Hans Andersen
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The Cat that Walked by Himself, Rudyard Kipling, 1902
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Madame Paul Poirson, 1885 (oil on canvas)
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Steps leading up to the Huldah Gates (photo)
The false Sebastian: after the death of King Sebastian of Portugal, whose remains were not found, several people pretended to be the king reappeared to guide his people, one of them halted in Naples walked in the street under the gaze of the inhabitants, 1598 (After the dead without body of king Sebastian of Portugal (and sebastianism belief) men fraudulently claiming to be the king, one of them in Naples is shown to the populace on a donkey's back, 1598) Drawing a la plume tires de “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” (Historical Souvenirs) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Collection privee
Australopithecus afarensis
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David sees Bathsheba on the roof, 2 Samuel
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BUXTEHUDE Dietrich - Marienkirche
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Moshe Shamir 's play
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Arthur Scargill being arrested for obstruction, miners' strike, 31 May 1984
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African Captives walked to the coast for sale to Europeans, 19th century (engraving)
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Georges Marchais Convalescence After His Inarction Walks In The Back Country Nicois With His Wife Liliane, February 25, 1975. (b/w photo)
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The Bird in the River Thames, 2008 (oil on linen)
Romanian soldiers killed at Brasov, 1916 (b/w photo)
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Morecambe for First Class Holidays, BR poster, 1960
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Religion The Holy Bible. The children of Israel walking towards the desert
Laurie Lee, 1960 (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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French coloured woodblock illustration. showing Saint Solange
Moses is discovered in the reeds, Exodus
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Add MS 51035, f.39r, "For God's sake look after our people", Scott's last entry before he died, Captain Scott's Diaries, Vol III, 1912 (pencil on paper)