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Images of 'Spaceship' found, 1,244

lift-off of the rocket of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, mission in Cap Canaveral (Florida) july 16, 1969
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The Colonization of Mars-Illustration - Mars Colony - Artist's view of an inhabited base on Mars. A manned habitat on the surface of Mars
Explosion of Challenger space shuttle, 1986 (photo)
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Atlantis, 2017 (pen on paper)
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THE BLACK HOLE, 1979 (film still)
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  • Access rights only to the digital file & only for editorial coverage of this specific motion picture/TV programme. Standard warranties regarding copyrights and moral rights are expressly excluded and third party rights may need to be cleared.
Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov with Grigory Nelyubov and Andrian Nikolayev, 12th April 1961 (b/w photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Entreprise space shuttle on the Nasa 905 jet trials 1977 (photo)
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Why Call them Back from Heaven? (colour litho)
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UFO over the City, 1980 (oil on canvas)
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Challenger space shuttle vertical take-off, 1984 (photo)
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The Door into Summer (man in space), 1977 (colour litho)
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Apollo - Soyuz: handshake between T. Stafford and A. Leonov - Apollo - Soyuz: T. Stafford and cosmonaut A. Leonov handshake - Thomas Stafford (foreground) and Aleksey Leonov make their historical hand hand on board the Apollo and Soyuz ships. 17/07/1975. Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (in foreground) and Cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov make their historic handshake in space on July 17, 1975 during the joint U.S. - USSR Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) docking in Earth orbit mission. This picture was made from a frame of 16 mm motion picture film
Voyager aircraft return from trip around the world, 1986 (photo)
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Explosion of Shuttle Challenger STS - 51L 28/01/1986 (photo)
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Discovery space shuttle vertical take-off, 1988 (photo)
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From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne, translated by Louis Mercier and Eleanor King, New York, Scribner, Armstrong, 1874 (book with stamped cloth cover)
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Spaceship - Artist's View - Spaceship - Artist vie
Apollo - Soyuz: Soyuz ship - Apollo - Soyuz: Soyuz above earth - The Soyuz ship seen from the window of Apollo. 17/07/1975. This scene was photographed with a handheld 70 mm camera from a rendezvous window of the American Apollo spacecraft in Earth orbit during the Apollo - Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. It shows the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft contrasted against a black - sky background with the Earth's horizon below. ASTP was a cooperative space mission between the United States and the USSR. The goals of ASTP were to test the ability of American and Soviet spacecraft to rendezvous and dock in space and to open the doors to possible international rescue missions and future collaboration on manned spaceflights. July 17 197
France and UK to Germany - Jan 25 2015 - Real speed
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  • Fully customizable flyovers can also be created based upon specific requests (including most geographical locations on Earth, time of day/night, certain natural phenomenon, natural disasters and weather related events, etc). Please inquire for more info.;This video can be delivered at any speed (real time, 10x, 15x, 30x, 60x, etc) at no additional cost. Allow for up to 1 week turnaround time for delivery of new file.
Apollo 15: Feather and Hammer Experience - Apollo 15: David Scott watching hammer and feather fall - David Scott realizes the experience of pen and hammer on the Moon. To confirm the law of the fall of Galilee's bodies, David Scott simultaneously released a geologist's hammer held in his right hand and a falcon feather held in his left hand. Both objects fell almost at the same moment on the lunar ground, 1.2 seconds later. TV picture. August 2, 1971. Astronaut David R. Scott, Apollo 15 commander, watches a geological hammer and a feather hit the lunar surface simultaneously in a test of Galileo's law of motion concerning falling bodies, as seen in this color reproduction taken from a transmission made by the RCA color television camera mounted on the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Scott released the hammer from his right hand and the feather from his left at the same instant. This experiment occured toward the end of the third and final lunar surface extravehicular activity. August 2 1971
Exploration of Mars-Illustration - Exploring Mars - Artist view - Astronauts explore an ancient river bed on Mars. In the sky the satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Astronauts set up Mars base at edge of ancient river valley
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Discovery space shuttle vertical take-off october 3, 1988 (photo)
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Spaceship propelled by a solar sail - Spaceship propelled by a solar sail - Artist view - Artist view of a ship using solar wind and photons emitted by the Sun as a means of propulsion
Control Module Apollo 17 - Apollo 17 command module seen from the LM in orbit. Dec 14 1972 - The control module Apollo 17 photographs from the LEM during the mooring manoeuvres. 14/12/1972. In this view, taken from the Lunar Module (LM), the Command and Service Module (CSM) are seen preparing to rendezvous with the LM. Note the reflection of the lunar surface on the CSM. The CSM, is piloted by Ronald E. Evans; while astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, commander; and Harrison W. Schmitt, lunar module pilot, are onboard the LM, following their Extravehicular Activities (EVA) on the Moon's surface. While astronauts Cernan and Schmitt descended in the LM “” Challenger”” to explore the Taurus - Littrow region of the Moon, astronaut Evans remained with the CSM “” America”” in lunar orbit
Artist's view of the meeting Apollo - Soyuz - Apollo Soyuz appointment. Artwork - Artist's view of Apollo and Soyuz during mooring. This artist's concept depicts the Apollo - Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), the first international docking of the U.S. ' s Apollo spacecraft and the U.S.S.R. ' s Soyuz spacecraft in space. The Soyuz spacecraft, with Cosmonauts Alexei Leonov and Valeri Kubasov aboard, was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam in the Kazakh, Soviet Socialist Republic, at 8:20 a.m. (EDT) on July 15, 1975. The Apollo spacecraft, with Astronauts Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand, and Donald Slayton aboard, was launched from Launch Complex 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, at 3:50 p.m. (EDT) on July 15, 1975. The Primary objectives of the ASTP were achieved. They performed spacecraft rendezvous, docking and undocking, conducted intervehicular crew transfer, and demonstrated the interaction of U.S. and U.S.S.R. control centers and spacecraft crews. The mission marked the last use of a Saturn launch vehicle
Portland was pestered for a whole day in 1947 by Flying Saucers (colour litho)
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The Puppet Masters (colour litho)
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The Moon and a Soyuz spaceship - 06/2016 - Soyuz with Moon -06/2016 - The Soyuz TMA-19M capsule and the Moon seen from the International Space Station (ISS) on 18 June 2016. On board, astronauts Tim Peake, Tim Kopra and cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko return to Earth after a 186-day space stay. The departing Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft and the nearly full Moon were framed in this image from Expedition 47/48 crew member Jeff Williams of NASA. Onboard the spacecraft, Tim Kopra of NASA, Tim Peake of ESA and Yuri Malenchenko were returning to Earth after 186 days in space. June 18, 2016.
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Apollo 13
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Replica of the Soviet Space Probe, Venera 3 on Display at the Cosmos Pavilion at the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements (Vdnkh) in Moscow, 1967.
Space Shuttle Endeavour - 07/2009 - Space Shuttle Endeavour - Shuttle Endeavour approaching the International Space Station (ISS). In its hold, the last element of the Japanese experimental module Kibo. July 17, 2009. This view of the Space Shuttle Endeavour was provided by an Expedition 20 crewmember during a survey of the approaching vehicle prior to docking with the International Space Station. As part of the survey and part of every mission's activities, the STS - 127 Endeavour crew performed a back - flip for the rendezvous pitch maneuver (RPM). 17 July 2009
Apollo 11: Descent of Armstrong on the Moon - Apollo 11: N.Armstrong close to the first moonwalk - Neil A. Armstrong, on the LEM scale, is about to take the first step on the Moon. 20/07/1969. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, Apollo 11 commander, descends the ladder of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module prior to making the first step by man on the moon. This view is a black and white reproduction taken from a telecast by the Apollo 11 lunar surface camera during extravehicular activity. The black bar running through the center of the picture is an anamoly in the television ground data system at the Goldstone Tracking Station
STS-47: Mae Jemison weightlessness in Spacelab - Mae Jemison in zero gravity - Mae Jemison in weightlessness in the Spacelab aboard the shuttle Endeavour. 12 - 20/09/1992. STS-47 Mission Specialist Mae C. Jemison appears to be clicking her heels in zero gravity in the center aisle of the Spacelab Japan science module aboard the Earth - orbiting Endeavour. Making her first flight in space, Dr. Jemison was joined by five other NASA astronauts and a Japanese payload specialist for eight days of research in support of the SLJ mission, a joint effort between Japan and United States. 09/199
Astronauts in Discovery STS - 51 09/1993 - Astronauts in Discovery STS - 51 09/1993 - Frank Culbertson (d.) and Daniel Bursch brushing his teeth. 25/09/1993. Frank Culbertson (right) and Daniel Bursch brush their teeth on Discovery's middeck. Sep 25 1993