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Images of 'Scheherazadea' found, 27

A Thousand and One Nights-Arabian Nights tale (engraving)
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Arabian Nights tale -
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Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov ' s
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Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade Costume design (watercolour)
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Leon Bakst 's costume
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Princess Scheherazade, heroine of The Thousand and One Nights. Illustration 1907 (Stories from the Arabian Nights) (lithograph)
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Arabian Nights Tale -
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Rimsky-Korsakov NA - Scheherazade
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Ida Rubinstein in Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov
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'Odalisque' design for Nicolai
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Vaslav Nijinsky - dances
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Rimsky-Korsakov - 'Scheherazade'
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Nikolay Anrdreievich Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade
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Theatre curtain for 'Les Saisons Russes'
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Kirov Ballet production of
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Nikolay Anrdreievich Rimsky-Korsakov's Maggie
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KARSAVINA Tamar  in Scheherazad by Rimsky-Korsakov
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Female musician playing harp (postcard)
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Adolf Bolm and Tamara (b/w photo)
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Kirov ballet production of
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Costume for Negro / Negrillon
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KARSAVINA Tamar - in
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Jeanette Lauret and Andre Eglevsky
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Costume for Barbizon in La Lampe d'Aladin
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Tatiana Stepanova
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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'The Far Pavilions' musical (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice;Editorial use only
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