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Images of 'Removal' found, 1,515

Shot of inside of removal van
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Virgin and Child with Saints from the Altarpiece of San Barnabas, c.1480-81 (tempera on panel)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Cutting up of a seal by Kara, adoptive mother of Paul Emile Victor, and Doumidia, his inuit companion, during polar expedition in Greenland, Kangerdlugssuatsiak, Autumn, 1936 (b/w photo)
The removal of the Quartier Latin, 1860 (engraving)
tolto Piano
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Floods in Lyon, mid 19th century (illustration)
Removal of Socialist Symbols in Eisleben
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Croatia, Denmark, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Hong Kong, Kosovo, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Taiwan
E.DEORBIT: a satellite to clean up space - E.Deorbit grabbing debris - Artist view of the satellite e.deorbit (right) catching a satellite with a net to take it to consume in the Earth's atmosphere. e.Deorbit is a European mission project that if approved in 2019 will start in 2024. This satellite will be the first to clean up space debris. He would recapture the larger objects with his articulated arm or a net, before discharging them into the atmosphere, or they would be destroyed. ESA's proposed e.Deorbit mission, shown right, using a net to catch a derelict satellite - the baseline capture method for what would be the world's first active space debris removal mission, in 2024. The mission would first rendezvous with a large, drifting ESA satellite, then capture and secure it safely ahead of steering the combination down for a controlled burn-up in the atmosphere. As well as the baselined robot arm, additional capture technologies are being investigated, including a net and harpon. In any case, grappling the derelict satellite would have to be done in a very rapid and precise manner to prevent E.Deorbit and its target rebounding apart. The mission, being developed through ESA's Clean Space initiative - tasked with safeguarding terrestrial and orbital environments - will be proposed for final agreement at ESA's next Council at Ministerial Level, in 2019. It will place European industry at the forefront of the world's active debris removal efforts and multipurpose space tugs
Madonna and Child with Angels (oil on canvas)
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X-Ray Photo of the Hartley Children Portrait, c.1781-83 (b/w photo)
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Ford C Tractor cleans Washington Streets of Snow 1924 (photo)
Movers at Work
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Piano removal men in
HALLDOR LAXNESS Icelandic writer  Date: 1902 - 1998  Source: Nobel Prize, 1955
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Coal mining
Statue of Former President Richard Nixon is dismembered and packed for removal from the London's, Madame Tussaud's wax museum. Sept. 3, 1974
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New Delhi during early stages of construction. A view showing the preparation of the site. Removal of a hillock near Raisina
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Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Paris, illustration from 'Paris dans sa splendeur', published by Henri Charpentier, engraved by Charles Claude Bachelier (fl.1830-60) 1861 (colour litho)