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Images of 'Organization' found, 41,228

Teenage 1970's students walk down sidewalk next to construction site
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1970's engineers working in office and construction site
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Aerial view 1970's cityscape, office buildings and skyscrapers
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Aerial view 1970's cityscape, office buildings and skyscrapers
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1970's cityscape, office buildings and skyscrapers built and under construction
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View of the Great Wall of China Photograph of the beginning of the 20th century (photo)
Once Upon a Time in America by Sergio Leone, 1984
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Stonehenge (photo)
Building the Great Wall of China (gouache on paper)
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Patricia Hearst brandishing a weapon in front of SLA symbol,  15th April 1974 (photo)
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Volkswagen Advertisement, 1930s (poster)
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Once Upon a Time in America by Sergio Leone, 1984
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Cueva de las Manos, ('Cave of Hands'), cave paintings
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Hanns Martin Schleyer, 1977 (b/w photo)
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Participants at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15, Austria
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Initiation rites of the cult of Dionysus, fresco from the Villa Dei Mysteri, 1st century BC (fresco)
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Diana, Princess of Wales
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Codex Mendoza, reproduction of page with illustration of taxes paid to Aztec rulers by subject peoples
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Lebensborn nursing home, Germany, 1930s (b/w photo)
Once Upon a Time in America by Sergio Leone, 1984
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Table showing the social organization of the Maya. Mayan Civilization (illustration)
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Interior, Cathedral-Mosque of Cordoba (photo)
First oil shock 1973 - Oct 25, 1973 - Weilheim, England, Germany - The 1973 oil crisis began on October 17, 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries announced, as a result of the ongoing Yom Kippur War, that they would no longer ship oil to nations that had supported Israel in its conflict with Syria and Egypt (the United States, its allies in Western Europe, and Japan). Because of the dependence of the industrialized world on crude oil and the predominant role of OPEC as a global supplier, these price increases were dramatically inflationary to the economies of the targeted countries, while at the same time suppressive of economic activity. The targeted countries responded with a wide variety of new, and mostly permanent, initiatives to contain their further dependency.
Portrait of Paquio Proculo (now  identified as Terentius Neo) and his wife, c20-30 (fresco)
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Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Peace Memorial (photo)
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Canada, Newfoundland, Terranova Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, Reconstruction of Viking houses
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Italy. Pompeii. House of Vetti. Domus. 1st century AD. Peristyle.
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Rameses I between Horus and Anubis, fresco, burial chamber, Tomb of Ramesses I (KV16), Valley of the Kings, Thebes (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979). Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom, Dynasty XIX.
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The Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840, 1841 (oil on canvas)
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France, Vezere Valley, Images of animals, wall painting in Lascaux Cave (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1979), Paleolithic Age, 19th-14th Millennium BC
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Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Casa Vicens, Palau Guell, Central Hall
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Symposium scene, c.480-490 BC (fresco)
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Fresco depicting Venus, House of Venus in Shell, Pompeii (Unesco World Heritage List, 1997), Campania, Italy, Roman civilization, 1st century BC
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City of the Incas, built c.1450 (photo)
Bomb Attack By Oas (French Organization in Favor of French Algeria) at The French Communist Party Party Offices in Paris France during The War in Algeria February 8, 1962 Destroyed Car After The Explosion (b/w photo)
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Interior of Hagia Sophia, historic areas of Istanbul (UNESCO World Heritage Site, 1985). Turkey.
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View over Palenque (photo)
The Theatre, Leptis Magna (photo)
Reconstruction of a Roman watchtower on the 'Limes' (photo)
The Marriage of Alexander (Ares) and Stateira (Aphrodite), fresco in Regio 6 Insula Occidentalis 39, Pompeii (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1997), Campania. Roman Civilization, 54-68.