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Images of 'Occupations' found, 10,053

Kneeling crusader with his horse behind him, from the Westminster Psalter, c.1250 (vellum)
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Nijinsky as a faun in the ballet L'après-midi d'un faune, that he choreographed for the Ballets Russes, and first performed in Paris in 1912. Nijinsky danced the main part himself.
Burning of the Grand Master of the Templars, James of Molay, and Geoffrey of Charney at the stake on the Ile-des-Javiaux, a small island in the River Seine. Text beginning with decorated initial 'E'. (vellum)
Add MS 15508 [Drawing no.12] A Maori bartering a crayfish with an English naval officer, 'Drawings Illustrating Captain Cook's First Voyage', 1768-70 (ink & colour on paper)
Titlepage from 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African', published 1789 (print)
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Empire State Window Washer (b/w photo)
[Detail] Initial 'A', King Edward I and Queen Eleanor of Castile
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Cotton Vitellius A. XIII f.6v King Edward I seated with his court and clerks, from 'Miscellaneous Chronicles', c.1280-1300 (ink, colour & gold on vellum)
Man and Camel near Oil Well, Saudi Arabia, circa 1940's
Surveying Party by Kinloch (Loch) Rannoch.: Figures surveying the eastern end of Loch Rannoch as part of the Military Survey of northern Britain; one figure using a circumfrentor; another holding a flag; trees throughout the scene; hills in the distance.
[Detail] Prester John sitting on his throne in Ethiopia; part of a map of East Africa. He was a mythical king, reportedly descended from one of the Three Magi, and said to rule over a Christian kingdom, amidst the pagans, imagined to be Ethiopia.
MS Cotton Claudius B. II, f.341 Death of Thomas Becket, from 'Alan of Tewkesbury, Collectio epistolarum sancti Thome Cantuariensis; John of Salisbury, Life of St Thomas Becket with Alan's prologue', c.1180 (ink, colour & gold on vellum)
Blacksmith's wife forging nails
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[Detail] Lower margin. A lady attended by her maid, who holds a circular mirror.The lady ties her hair in a long plait, and has a gold comb in her lap; her jewel box lies on the ground, at her feet.
He struck a violent blow upon the monster's head as it passed.
The lambton worm.
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Knights meet White Stag
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(Miniature). Knights jousting at a medieval tournament. One lance is broken.
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Arthur on Wheel of Fortune
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Seal of Richard of Cornwall
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[Upper drawing] Christ on the road to Calvary.
[Lower drawing] Simon holds the Cross, while a carpenter bores a hole with a two-handed auger. The blacksmith, who alleges he cannot make the nails as his hand is bad finds, when told to show his hand, that his pious lie is made retrosprctively true. His wife makes the nails at a draught-forge and anvil
Portrait of Li Bai, also known as Li Bo or Li Po, 701-762 AD.
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Leonard Parkinson, a Captain of Maroons.
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(Miniature) Scene in a counting house; a nobleman and helper doing business with the owner; a secretary writes accounts
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England and Scotland make peace
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The building of Clifford's tower at St Albans. Offa directing the master mason, who holds square and dividers; stonemasons at work; labourers winching up stones in a basket
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Portrait of Mary Jane Seacole (1805 - 14 May 1881), née Grant. A Jamaican-born woman of Scottish and Creole descent who set up a 'British Hotel' behind the lines during the Crimean War, which she described as "a mess-table and comfortable quarters for sick and convalescent officers," and provided succour for wounded servicemen on the battlefield. She was posthumously awarded the Jamaican Order of Merit in 1991. In 2004 she was voted the greatest black Briton.
Engraved frontispiece to Mariner's Mirrour, 1588 (coloured engraving)
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Saracens (with black faces) and
Christians. Manuscript illustration of Christians and Saracens meeting. From a story of the crusades, the battles and the journeys.
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(Miniature) Two knights slaying a unicorn. A lady holds its horn with her hand raised in blessing.
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Death of Black beard. Illustration depicting the killing of Edward Teach, who was known as Blackbeard the pirate, who was shot dead by Lieutenant Robert Maynard.
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Japanese print depicting Sino-Japanese war [Long Live the Great Japanese Empire! The Victorious attach of the Japanese army on Songhwan]. In this scene of the attack on Songhwan near Seoul, journalists can be seen hiding among the trees. The war artist Kubota Beisen and his son the war correspondant Kinsen who worked for the Koukin Shinbun newspaper are individually named.
Gawain's return to court
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The English Irish soldier
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Scribe writing
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The Rider on White Horse
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Battle of Poitiers
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Windmill, with miller
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Pianist Arthur Rubinstein, USA, c.1945 (b/w photo)
Richard Wagner
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Crusaders besieging Damascus
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Death of King Louis IX
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King Arthur seated
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(Miniature) Two knights jousting in front of a French King and Queen.
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Female taxi driver, Paris - early 20th century
Illustration of a man with a bow shooting at an animal, with a dog, and birds above, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Albert Einstein, USA, 1947 (b/w photo)
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Four horsemen, from Nihayat al-su'l, a manual of horsemanship and military practice, by al-Aqsara'i, 1371
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The Balfour Declaration
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Add 27255 fol.219v A Surgeon with a Patient, from 'Tashrih al-aqvam' compiled by Colonel James Skinner (1778-1841) 1825 (gouache on paper)
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Nadir Shah of Persia (1732-1747)
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Boadicea Queen of the Iceni
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End of Psalm 18. Psalm 19 beginning with initial 'E', David kneeling in prayer. Border decoration with grotesques, including a man playing a shawm, and opposite, a man about to heave a large stone, apparently at the musician. In the lower margin, the martyrdom of St Andrew, who is bound to a green saltire cross by two executioners.
'Police work in the east end'. A policeman trying to control a crowd.
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Vivian and others take oath
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Seh-Dong-Hong-Beh. An Amazon in the Dahoman army.
A woman in uniform, holding a rifle in one hand and a decapitated head of enemy in the other.
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(Miniature only) Siege of Castillion sur Dordogne. French and English troops battle over wooden defences, with banners, tents and castle walls
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