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Untitled B, 1997 (terracotta)
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Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Studies of horses, c.1480 (metalpoint on cream prepared paper)
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Abandoned allied tanks near Dieppe, 1942 (b/w photo)
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The Holy Family
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The War Illustrated 9 May 1941
None but the Brave Deserve the Fair (oil on canvas)
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'When yellow leaves or none or few so hang upon those boughs that shake against the cold'
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James Hogg 'The Suicide's
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Illustration for The Divine Comedy - purgatory (La Divina Commedia) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Italy, Lazio, Civita Castellana, Red-figure kylix (wine pottery) depicting youngsters embracing, inscribed (in Faliscan language) with an invitation to drink, circa 350 B.C.
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Miracle of the lame man, Acts of the Apostles
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World War 1: French army at the Battle of Verdun
The Scarlet Letter, a Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorme
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28th July 1884, page from a sketchbook, June 1883–September 1887 (graphite on paper)
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Vetheuil, 17th July 1884, page from a sketchbook, June 1883–September 1887 (graphite on paper)
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28th July 1884, page from a sketchbook, June 1883–September 1887 (graphite on paper)
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The destruction of 'L'Orient' at the Battle of the Nile, 1 August 1798, 1825-27 (oil on canvas)
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Barree spiral galaxy NGC 1300 in Eridan - NGC 1300, barred spiral galaxy in Eridanus - The galaxy NGC 1300 is located about 60 million years ago - light and extends over about 85 000 years - light. Spiral galaxies appear in a variety of guises, but none are more intriguing than the barred variety. As their name suggests, these galaxies are distinguished by a bar, extending (in this case) like two more of less straight assemblies of stars either side of the bright nucleus. Caught up in the bar are two dust lanes, emerging on either side of the nuclear mass. At some distance from the nucleus, the straight, almost structurreless bar and dust lanes abruptly turn at a sharp angle. It is here that the delicately curved arms of the spiral begin, and it is here that star formation is at its most concentrated. Many spirals have such bars, including the Milky Way, where it is a subtle feature, very difficult to detect. NGC 1300, in the southern constellation of Eridanus is among the finest examples. It is about 60 million light years distant and is an outlying member of a well - populated group of galaxies
Add 35214 f.67 Flowers and butterfly, from a Book of Hours, Paris, 1515-20 (vellum)
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The Du Pont Padparadscha ring, 2020 (diamonds, sapphire, gold & platinum))
Thespis (colour litho)
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Computer, 1960s (b/w photo)
Abraham Lincoln's delivering his second inaugural address (standing, center) on the east portico of the U.S. Capitol, March 4, 1865, his second inauguration. His words, "With malice toward none, with charity for all" he proposed to bind up the nation's wounds in the final month of the Civil War
Polyptych - Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Saints, 1345 (tempera on panel)
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Richard Chancellor, the man who discovered Russia
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Joseph refuses to lie with Potiphar, Genesis
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Temptation of Christ
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Crucified Christ with Donors, 1317-27 (tempera on panel)
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The Book of Job 3: 3 & 9 & 2: 13
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Louis XIV in the guise of Apollo, c. 1654 (graphite, watercolour, bodycolour and gold paint on vellum)
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The Battle of the Nile, 1 August 1798, beginning of the action, c.1800 (oil on canvas)