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Images of 'Mugshot' found, 351

Profile and face on mugshot of Alfred Dreyfus, 1894 (b/w photo)
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Al Capone (1899-1947), Prohibition era gangster boss in 1931 mug shot
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OJ Simpson: American actor and former professional football player, accused of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and his companion (found dead June 12, 1994): here judicial identity photo following his arrest on June 17, 1994 after a lawsuit with the Los Angeles Police -
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Mug shot of algerian politician Ahmed Ben Bella may 10, 1951: he was arrested in 1950 for hold-up of the post office of Algiers, condemned to prison, he'll escape in 1952
Vincenzo Peruggia, 1909 (photo)
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Miami Police Department mug shot of Al Capone, 1930 (b/w photo)
Violette Noziere, 1933 (photo)
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Jules Joseph Bonnot, Lyon, 1st March 1909 (b/w photo)
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Emma Goldman, 1901 (photo)
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Mugshot of Jospef Stalin, 1911 (b/w photo)
FBI Wanted poster for Angela Davis, 1970 (litho)
Besimensky Buffet Affair : Claude Buffet Confessed The Murder of Mrs Besimensky February 09, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Terrorists of ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom) : top : Ignacio de Juana Chaos, Esteban Nieto et Antonio Troitino Arranz ; bottom : Immaculada Noble, Christina Arrizabalaga Vazquez and Maria Teresa Rojo Paniego
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Mugshot of prisoner 57846 - a Hungarian boy, 1942 (b/w photo)
Vito Genovese (1897-1969) mafioso known as Boss of the bosses 1934
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James Earl Ray (1928-1998), future murderer of Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr., arrested for armed robbery, 1952
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Marcel Petiot, 1944 (photo)
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Ethel Rosenberg (1915-1953) American, Communist, Accused of Being A Spy With her Husbandjulius, They Will Be Sentenced To Death in 1953, (b/w photo)
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Mugshot of David Greenglass (Ethel Rosenberg's brother) after his arrest for nuclear espionage for USSR during Projet Manhattan, 1950
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Amelie Helie said "golden helmet", 1902 (photo)
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Alain Cayol One of The Kidnappers of Baron Edouard Jean Empain November 1978 (b/w photo)
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Francois Cayol One of The Kidnappers of Baron Edouard Jean Empain November 22, 1978 (b/w photo)
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Meyer Lansky (1902-1983), in 1949 mugshot. He was known as the banker to the mob and built gambling resorts in the Caribbean and Las Vegas
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Albert Louis Jules Soleilland, 1907 (photo)
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Lindbergh affair: Bruno Richard Hauptmann, 1934 (photo)
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Photos issued by Scotland Yard, of great train robbers James E. White, Bruce Reynolds and Charles Wilson, in the aftermath of the 2.6 million pound train robbery committed on 8th August 1963, 2nd August 1963 (b/w photo)
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Julius Rosenberg (1918-1953) American, Communist, Accused of Being A Spy With his Wifeethel, They Will Be Sentenced To Death in 1953 (b/w photo)
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Andy Warhol in his studio, New York, USA, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Mugshot of prisoner 22375 - a homosexual man, 1942 (b/w photo)
Richard Eugene "Dick" Hickock , 1960 (photo)
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John Clark, arrested for loitering, North Shields, UK, 1905 (b/w photo)
James Earl Ray (1928-1998) assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr., arrested for armed robbery and auto theft January 4, 1966
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Thomas Newham, North Shields, UK, 1905 (b/w photo)
Robert Smith, arrested for stealing brass, North Shields, UK, 1905 (b/w photo)