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Images of 'Handshakes' found, 134

Victory over Germany, 1945
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Heinrich Himmler with SS Officers
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U.S. Lt. William Robertson and Soviet Lt. Alexander Sylvashko embrace. Behind them is a sign, 'East Meets West' to celebrate the meeting of the Soviet (Russian) and American armies, near Torgau, Germany. April 25, 1945. World War 2
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Hitler shaking the soldiers’ hands in Berlin, in the years before World War II.
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Philip de László paints a model from Lucile fashion house
First Flight from London to Australia in 1919
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Visiting Prime Minister Of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, meets physicist Albert Einstein in the US, 1951
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First Flight from London to Australia, 1919
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Mussolini meets Hitler in Munich
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Meeting of members of the NSB and the NSDAP where Mussert and Seyss-Inquart give speeches
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US President Reagan meets Soviet leader Gorbachov in Geneva, 19th November 1985
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Nixon delivering a speech in Berlin, 1969
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Churchill meets Stalin at the Second Moscow Conference in 1942
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Donald H. Rumsfeld U.S. Sec. of Defense greets Hamid Karzai right chairman of the Afghan Interim Administration to replace the recently defeated Taliban government brought down by CENTCOM forces. Washington D.C. Jan. 28 2002., Photo by:Everett Collection
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Switzerland Rail Inauguration (b/w photo)
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Romolo Ferri, 1950 (b/w photo)
Middle East, Israel, Negev Desert, 1950-60 (b/w photo)
President Lyndon Johnson shakes the hand of Senator Edward Kennedy. LBJ was attending a farewell reception in his honor given by the Democratic Congressional leaders. Jan. 6, 1969
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President Barack Obama greets young people during a visit to the U.S. Ambassador's residence in San Salvador. March 23 2011. (BSWH_2011_8_280)
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Astronaut Robert Gibson, greets Cosmonaut Vladimir Dezhurov in space. The Space Shuttle docked at the Russian Mir Space Station on June 29, 1995
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President Nixon shakes hands with Mayor Richard Daley on his arrival in Chicago Illinois. Daley a powerful Democratic Party boss found common cause with Nixon's centrist domestic policies. c. 1968-72
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Award-giving ceremony for naval personnel and survivors, including a young boy
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First squadron of Supermarine Swift join RAF, March 4th 1954
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Queen Juliana and Arnhem monument
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President of the Indian Congress Party Sonia Gandhi welcomes Hillary Clinton to her residence in New Delhi India. July 29 2009. (BSWH_2011_8_22)
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Life of the local Papuan population, 1945
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Operation Eastbound, part 1 - independence celebrations in Nigeria, RAAF take off their Amberley base
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New SF Giants Owners, San Francisco, California, February 11, 1976 (b/w photo)
Footage of the Supermarine 525. Includes a world speed record attempt by Mike Lithgow, 1953
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Mussert visits Hitler in Berlin
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Lord Louis Mountbatten inspects the soldiers
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Antoine XIII-Henri de Gramont, duc de Guiche and Paul de Laszlo
Seyss-Inquart visits a military hospital where wounded German soldiers are treated
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Signature of the Soviet Chinese agreements, USSR, 1945
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