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Images of 'Devonian' found, 104

The First Trees on Earth - Artist View - First Trees - Artist view - 385 million years ago, in the upper Devonian, the first trees began to appear on Earth. In this illustration, the archaeopteris, considered the first tree, is present at different stages of its evolution, with on the left a young specimen of 6 metres, in the centre a tree twice as large, on the right, an even older specimen. At the extreme right, a strain of an old Archaeopteris collapse. 385 million years ago, near the end of the Devonian period, the first trees began to populate the Earth. Considered the first modern trees, the Archaeopteris were a part of the Earth's primitive forests for the next 25 million years. Unlike the trees we know today, Archaeopteris was in fact a primitive fern that reproduced by means of spores instead of seeds. While terrestrial plants had been around for 130 million years prior to Archaeopteris, this was the first plant to solve the biomechanical challenges of supporting and nurturing ever larger sizes, enabling these Archaeopteris to grow to heights of 70 feet and more, over twice the height of the Calamites. In this image, four stages of the life of the Archaeopteris are illustrated. On the far left nearest our vantage point is a young, 20 - foot Archaeopteris, and in the center at twice that height is a medium - aged Archaeopteris, and on the right is a fully mature specimen. Furthest right is the collapsed and decaying trunk of a mature tree, a contribution the biomassy that will eventually become the oil, coal and natural gas we exploit today
Ichthyostega - Devonian tetrapods - View of atist depicting two Ichthyostega, tetrapods, 385 million years ago, to the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. Between them are represented in the water several trilobites and in the background a Bothriolepis. The vegetation consists mainly of ferns and archaeopteris, considered the first trees. A pair of four - limbed, Upper Devonian vertebrate animals of the genus Ichthyostega confront one another 365 million years ago at the edge of a freshwater pond. Basically half fish, half land animal, these tetrapods are each about three feet long. Between them in the water are several marine arthropods known as trilobites. Further beyond in the water is a 12 inch long Bothriolepis. Most of the plant life is varieties of fern, including the tall trees known as Archaeopteris
Landscape of the Devonian - Calamites & Asteroxylon - Landscape of the early Devonian, about 390 million years ago, with calamites and asteroxylon (in the foreground). This is how a forest of Calamites and Asteroxylon may have appeared just about anywhere on the Earth 390 million years ago. The Calamites are the slender “” Christmas tree””” shaped plants. They grew as tall as many of today's conifers, though they are the ancient ancestors of the much smaller modern horsetails. The snake - like curlicue plants in the foreground are the now - extinct Asteroxylon, which emerged at the beginning of the Devonian period about 417 million years ago
Towards Marsland Mouth, North Devon (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
Dunkleosteus and Cladoselache - Dunkleosteus and Cladoselache - A Dunkleosteus approaches a Cladoselache, the ancestor of sharks. Dunkleosteus, formerly called Dinichthys, is a large fossil placoderm. He lived in the Upper Devonian, between 415 and 360 million years. The largest representatives of the genus were approximately 8-10 m long and weighed around 5 tonnes. These fish were probably the greatest marine predators of their time. In a Devonian lagoon, the giant placoderm fish, Dunkleosteus, drifts towards the early shark, Cladoselache
Illustration of Ichthyostega
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Illustration of Dunkleosteus catching fish
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Devonian Landscape, England, 2011 (photo)
Erbenochile erbeni (Alberti)
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Erbenochile erbeni (Alberti)
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Rhynia major
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Cheiracanthus murchisoni
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Thursius pholidotus
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Devonian Canopee - Artist's View - Devonian Canopy - Artist's View of an Archaeopteris Forest about 380 million years ago. The fossil record reveals that great forests of Archaeopteris covered much of the Earth 380 million years ago. The large umbrella - like fronds appear to have been optimized for gathering sunlight at the canopy level while still permitting enough light to reach the shorter and younger trees. It was great forests like these that helped to draw much of the carbon dioxide out of the primeval air while releasing the oxygen we breathe today
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Phacops rana
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Drepanaspis - Drepanaspis gemuendenensis is an extirpated species of jaw-free fish. He lived in the inferior Devonian. An 8-inch-long primitive jawless fish of the species Drepanaspis gemuendenensis settles on the bottom of a shallow Devonian sea 380 million years ago. With a flat, paddle-shaped head and upwards-facing jawless mouth, Drepanaspis was one of the more unique sea creatures of its time. Based upon its overall shape it is believed to have been a bottom feeder, though it's not known what it would have eaten
Archaeopteris hibernica
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Calymene blumenbachii
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Cooksonia pertoni
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Dunkleosteus and Cladoselache - Dunkleosteus & Cladoselache - A Dunkleosteus approaches a Cladoselache, the ancestor of sharks. Dunkleosteus, formerly called Dinichthys, is a large fossil placoderm. He lived in the Upper Devonian, between 415 and 360 million years. The largest representatives of the genus were approximately 8-10 m long and weighed around 5 tonnes. These fish were probably the greatest marine predators of their time. A 30-foot-long, four-ton hypercarnivorous apex predator of the species Dunkleosteus terrellix is about to make a meal of a six-foot-long primitive shark of the genus Cladoselache 370 million years ago in the Rheic Ocean near what is today North America. Dunkleosteus terrellix was one of the largest arthrodire placoderms ever to have lived. Almost as long as a school bus, It was heavily armored and therefore likely a relatively slow, but powerful swimmer. There are four Cladoselache/primitive sharks in this image. The schooling fish are generic representatives of the class Actinopterygii, a sub-class of the bony fishes which emerged about 420 million years ago, while the sea jellies are generic representatives of the subphylum Medusozoa
Side profile of an eusthenopteron
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Devonian landscape
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Eurypterius lacustris
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Phacops rana africanus
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Ichthyostega & Rhacophyton - An Ichthyostega emerge water 365 million years ago to the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. On the left, one of the first species of fern, Rhacophyton ceratangium. A Late Devonian Ichthyostega emerges from waters of a floodplain 365 million years ago in what is today the Canadian Arctic. On the left is a four - foot - tall Rhacophyton ceratangium, an ancient shrub that is thought to be one of the earliest ferns. On the horizon are more Rhacophyton, along with towering Archaeopteris and Lycopsids in various stages of growth
Sarcopterygii, Fossilized Osteolepis, Devonian
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Illustration of Cladoselache extinct fish
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Eogyrinus - Eogyrinus was one of the largest tetrapods of Carbonifere. It could reach 4.6m in length. His fossils were found in England. He was part of the Anthracosaur amphibian group that survived as far as Permian. It is believed that these amphibians were the ancestors of the group from which the reptiles were derived. In the background, a Meganeura, a giant dragonfly whose wingspan could exceed 80 cm. A 15 foot long, 200 pound prehistoric amphibian from the genus Eogyrinus swims down a Carboniferous tributary 300 million years ago in what is today western Europe. Further up the tributary another Eogyrinus prepares to enter the water. Eogyrinus was one of the largest predators of its time, and perhaps the largest of the family Eogyrinidae. It probably spent most of its time in the water, and like modern crocodiles probably fed on fish and other swimming vertebrates. Also in this image, on the upper left on the trunk of a Sigillaria scutellata is a giant millipede and cockroach. Flying overhead and resembling giant dragonflies are prehistoric insects from the genus Meganeura. The tree - like plants making up the surrounding forest include Sigillaria scutellata and Lepidodendron aculeatum. The low ground cover includes various primitive ferns and mosses
Eryops - Close to modern crocodiles, two Eryops, giant prehistoric amphibians evolute in a carboniferous marsh about 300 million years ago. With a length of up to two metres, Eryops was one of the greatest predators of his time. Also visible in the picture, lower right, is an amphibian (Ophiderpeton) and a Meganeura in flight. Resembling modern crocodiles, two giant prehistoric amphibians from the genus Eryops dominate a Carboniferous swamp 300 million years ago in what is today North America. At six feet long and 200 pounds, Eryops was one of the largest predators of its time. It probably spent most of its time in the water, and like modern crocodiles probably fed on fish and other swimming vertebrates. Also in this image, on the lower right is a snake - like, legless amphibian from the genus Ophiderpeton. Flying overhead and resembling a giant dragonfly is a prehistoric insect from the genus Meganeura. The tree - like plants making up the surrounding forest include Sigillaria scutellata and Lepidodendron aculeatum. The low ground cover includes various primitive ferns and mosses
Ichthyostega underwater - View of an Ichthyostega 365 million years ago at the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. A Late Devonian Ichthyostega submerged in a floodplain 365 million years ago in what is today the Canadian Arctic. The tree - like trunk immediately behind the Ichthyostega is the base of a Pleuromeia. The Ichthyostega is eyeing a drowned centipede. Ichthyostega was one of the earliest tetrapods, a descendent of lobe - finned fishes and ancestor of amphibians. Ichthyostega had lungs and seven - toed limbs that allowed it to move about the shallow waters and shores of swamps and floodplains. It was among the first terrestrial vertebrates
Sarcopterygii, Fossilized Gyroptychius, Devonian
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Doryaspis and Actiniaria - Artist view of Doryaspis swimming in the sea 410 million years ago. 8-inch-long jawless fish of the genus Doryaspis swim among a bed of Anthozoa of the order Actiniaria (AKA sea anemones) 410 million years ago in what is today the Svalbard archipelago in Norway. Doryaspis (AKA Lyktaspis) was armored with bony spines and a long snout that had spines set along its length (somewhat like the “” saw””” of a modern sawfish). Doryaspis 'mouth opened above, rather than below, the snout and is believed to have dined on plankton, however the snout may have been used to stir up small crustaceans from the mud or sand. In addition to a variety of anemones are palm-like crinoids (class Crinoidea), pentagonal-shaped sea stars, nautilus-like ammonites, and squid-like nautiloid cephalopods of the genus Orthoceras
Ichthyostega - View of an Ichthyostega 365 million years ago at the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. On the left, one of the first species of fern, Rhacophyton ceratangium. In the foreground, prehistoric arthropods (diplopods and cockroaches). A close - up of a three foot long Late Devonian Ichthyostega 365 million years ago in what is today the Canadian Arctic. Flanking the Ichthyostega are Rhacophyton ceratangium, ancient shrubs that are thought to be one of the earliest ferns. The reddish fruit - like nodules attached to the fronds on the right are sporangia, enclosures in which spores are formed. The large tree - like trunk on the far left is the base of a young Archaeopteris. In the foreground are prehistoric arthropods - - a millipede on the left and on the right cockroaches on trunk of a decaying Lycopsid. Arthropods had been walking the Earth for 40 million years before vertebrates like Ichthyostega began venturing ashore. Ichthyostega was one of the earliest tetrapods, a descendent of lobe - finned fishes and ancestor of amphibians. Ichthyostega had lungs and seven - toed limbs that allowed it to move about the shallow waters and shores of swamps and floodplains. It was among the first terrestrial vertebrates
Illustration of Ichthyostega and Eusthenopteron
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Duke of Devonshire's dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium devonianum. Handcoloured lithograph by Stroobant from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Erbenochile erbeni (Alberti)
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Triassic and Devonian rocks
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Illustration representing Arthropod Merostoma - Pterygotus
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Psilotum nudum, known as the skeleton fork fern, 2000
Psilotum nudum, known as the skeleton fork fern, 2000
Psilotum nudum, known as the skeleton fork fern, 2000
Psilotum nudum, known as the skeleton fork fern, 2000
Dunkleosteus terrelli
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Illustration of Dunkleosteus, close up
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Hemicyclaspis murchisoni and Thyestes egertoni
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Calymene blumenbachii
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Archaeopteris hibernica