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Images of 'Declaring' found, 780

Ho Chi Minh declaring the national independence of the country, 1945 (b/w photo)
Newes from Scotland, Declaring the Damnable life and death of Dr. Fian (woodcut)
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Declaration, 1921 (litho)
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Franklin D. Roosevelt declares a national emergency state, 28th May 1941 (b/w photo)
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Dewey Defeats Truman Newspaper (b/w photo)
Le Prince Philip et le sultan Seyyid Jamshid Bin Abdullah
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THE FUGITIVES, depicts French Huguenots refugees from France after the 1685 Revocation of the Edit of Nantes of 1598, declaring French Protestants to be heretics. It prompted the emigration of over 400,000 to England, Prussia, Holland, and North America
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German Revolution 1919, Wilhelm II in exile, Philipp Scheidemann proclaims German Republic, ceasefire in France, happy soldiers, end of WW1
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Press conference of the State Committee on the state of emergency, Moscow, August 19, 1991
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From left, General Douglas MacArthur, Korean President Syngman Rhee, at Seoul ceremony declaring Korea a Republic, August 15, 1948
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Lord Balfour declaring the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Palestine 1925.
Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom, 2000 (oil, shellac & emulsion on paper, mounted to canvas)
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Shawnee Chief Tecumseh,wearing fringed buckskins, a blanket, and feathered turban-like hat. With his brother, the influential 'Prophet', he sought to unite and reform Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River, from 1800 to his death in 1813. His success in building a multi-tribal confederacy allies with British, helped push the US into declaring war on Great Britain in 1812 (lithograph)
Painting depicting Christian soldiers declaring their faith before Decius
Wojciech Jaruzelski, 1981
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Mao Zedong declaring the birth of the People's Republic of China, 1949 (photo)
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Foreigners declaring their residence at the police station, Paris, 1914 (b/w photo)
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French General Catroux declaring the end of the French mandate in Syria september 1941 (French troops actually withdrew in 1945)
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Pope Gregory XV and Cardinal Ludovisi declaring canonization of St Ignatius of Loyola and St Francis Xavier, painting by unknown artist, Church of Gesu, Rome, Italy, 17th century
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Allegory of the Union of Painting and Poetry, 1626 (oil on canvas)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Zia Ul-Haq (1924-88), President of Pakistan, during a meeting in Peshawar, January 30, 1980
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Thomas Cranmer at Traitors' Gate, 1856 (oil on canvas)
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