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Images of 'Astronaut' found, 3,974

Astronaut Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin standing on the moon after the Apollo 11 landing, 20 July 1969 (photo)
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon, 20th July 1969 (photo)
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Astronaut John W. Young salutes the United States flag during Apollo 16 mission, 1972 (colour photograph)
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Starry Night and the Astronauts, 1972 (acrylic on canvas)
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American Astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin walking on the moon on July 20, 1969 during Apollo 11 mission (photo)
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Postcard depicting Soviet workers and engineers in the Space Race (print)
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Space Art, 2014 (painting)
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Yuri Gagarin, c.1961 (b/w photo)
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Kalpana Chawla suiting up for Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, 2003 (photo)
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The Colonization of Mars-Illustration - Mars Colony - Artist's view of an inhabited base on Mars. A manned habitat on the surface of Mars
Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov (print)
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Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin of Apollo 11 Mission, Florida, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Atlantis, 2017 (pen on paper)
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Eugene A. Cernan, Commander Apollo 17, 13th December 1972 (photo)
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Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov with Grigory Nelyubov and Andrian Nikolayev, 12th April 1961 (b/w photo)
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Track of step of one of the shoes of Edwin Aldrin who land on the moon at the time of the mission Apollon 11, on July 20, 1969
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Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon (gouache on paper)
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Why Call them Back from Heaven? (colour litho)
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Exit in space of Thomas Pesquet - Thomas Pesquet EVA: French astronaut Thomas Pesquet during his first extravehicular ride. January 13, 2017. ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet is photographed during a spacewalk in January 2017. During the nearly six hour spacewalk, the two astronauts successfully installed three new adapter plates and hooked up electrical connections for three of the six new lithium-ion batteries on the International Space Station. Astronauts were also able to accomplish several get-ahead tasks including stowing padded shields from Node 3 outside of the station to make room inside the airlock and taking photos to document hardware for future spacewalks. January 13 2017
Felicette, astronaut cat
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Vostok 6, Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the First Woman in Space, in Front of the Vostok Capsule, June 1963.
The Door into Summer (man in space), 1977 (colour litho)
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Astronaut Moonwalk, 2014 (mixed media on canvas)
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Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) Russian Astronaut here during A Spatial Flight April 1961 (b/w photo)
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Apollo 11: Artist view - Apollo 11 - Artist view - Apollo 11 astronauts deployed the American flag on July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 astronauts unfurl the U.S. flag on July 20, 1969. Acrylic and gouache study for Hamilton Collection commemorative plate, 1993
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Apollo - Soyuz: handshake between T. Stafford and A. Leonov - Apollo - Soyuz: T. Stafford and cosmonaut A. Leonov handshake - Thomas Stafford (foreground) and Aleksey Leonov make their historical hand hand on board the Apollo and Soyuz ships. 17/07/1975. Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (in foreground) and Cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov make their historic handshake in space on July 17, 1975 during the joint U.S. - USSR Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) docking in Earth orbit mission. This picture was made from a frame of 16 mm motion picture film
Apollo 11: Decollage of Saturn V - Apollo 11 launch July 16 1969 - Decollage of the Saturn V/Apollo 11 rocket. 16/07/1969. The huge, 363 - feet tall Apollo 11 (Spacecraft 107/Lunar Module 5/Saturn 506) space vehicle is launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), at 9:32 a.m. (EDT), July 16, 1969. Aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft were astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. Apollo 11 is the United States' first lunar landing mission. This view of the liftoff was taken by a camera mounted on the mobile launch tower. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin descend in the Lunar Module (LM) “” Eagle””” to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Collins will remain with the Command and Service Modules (CSM) “” Columbia””” in lunar orbit
Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, First Man in Space, in the Capsule of Vostok 1, April 12, 1961.
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Yuri Gagarin becomes 1st man in space, April 12th 1961. Public announcement and Gagarin's face and voice from space are broadcast on radio and TV
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Astronaut Bruce McCandless II in space
Voskhod 2 Mission, Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov During World'S First Space Walk (Eva) in 1965.
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Harrison Schmitt, Apollo 17 Lunar Module Pilot, 13th December 1972 (photo)
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Charles "Pete" Conrad, Apollo 12 Astronaut, 19th November 1969 (b/w photo)
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Artist's view of a first human crew on Mars - Martian Pioneers - The first human visitors to Mars would face an environment nearly as hostile as the Earth's Moon. While Mars has an atmosphere, it contains no breathable oxygen and is so thin that the surface air pressure is about the same as the Earth's 18 miles above sea level. To venture outside, humans would need hardy suits that would supply pressure, oxygen, moisture, warmth, and insulate them from the fine martian dust that may be both abrasive and caustic. Even with these precautions, humans would still be vulnerable to radiation from solar storms and the continual rain of interstellar cosmic rays
Man and Space, 1971
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Exploration of Mars-Illustration - Mars rover rendezvous - The exploration of Mars by men will require vehicles that can take a crew long distances and will have to provide them with all the necessary protection against this hostile environment. A pair of manned Mars rovers rendezvous on the martian surface. Humans may one day explore the martian surface with the help of pressurized rovers that would provide a shirt sleeve environment while protecting them from the deadly extremes of the martian environment. In this image each rover provides transportation and life support for two crew members. By traveling in pairs each rover can provide backup for the other, and if necessary a single rover could serve as refuge and transportation for all four explorers
Apollo 11: N.Armstrong and E.Aldrin deploy the flag - Apollo 11: the deployment of the US flag - Deploiement of the United States flag by astronauts Neil Armstrong (left) and Edwin Aldrin. Image obtained by the camera mounted on the LEM. The deployment of the flag of the United States on the surface of the Moon is captured on film during the first Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Here, astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander, stands on the left at the flagship's staff. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot, is also pictured. The picture was taken from film exposed by the 16 mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) which was mounted in the Lunar Module (LM)
Lunar base - Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio
Yuri Gagarin - signed
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Astronaut Moonwalk, 2015 (mixed media on canvas)
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Track of step of one of the shoes of Edwin Aldrin who land on the moon at the time of the mission Apollon 11, on July 20, 1969