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Images of 'Mantua' found, 2,333

The trompe l'oeil oculus of the Camera degli Sposi, 1465-74 (fresco)
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The Gods of Olympus, trompe l'oeil ceiling from the Sala dei Giganti, 1528 (fresco)
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Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III of Mantua (reg. 1444-78), his wife Barbara of Brandenburg, children, courtiers and their dog Rubino, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
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The Gods on Olympus, ceiling painting (fresco)
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Portrait of Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) (oil on canvas)
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The Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta with scenes from the court of Mantua, showing the Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III and his wife Barbara of Brandenburg, their children, courtiers and animals, 1465-74 (photo) (for details see 78450-64 & 78597)
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Olympus and Zeus Destroying the Rebellious Giants, detail from one of the walls of the Sala dei Giganti, 1530-32 (fresco)
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Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione, after Raphael, 1630 (oil on panel) (see also 21461)
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Zeus surrounded by other gods of Olympus throwing lightnings against the Giants and destructing them, vault and the South and West walls, Chamber of the Giants (Sala dei Giganti ), 1526-1528
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Portrait of Elisabetta Gonzaga, c.1504-1505 (oil on panel)
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Portrait of Marchesa Maria Serra Pallavicino (c.1575-c.1630), 1606 (oil on canvas)
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Self portrait incorporated into the decorative frieze of the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
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Thetis giving Achilles his arms (fresco)
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Achilles dragging the body of Hector round on his chariot, detail from the ceiling of the Sala di Troia, c.1538 (fresco)
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Bust of Cicero, Roman, 1st century BC (marble)
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Zeus surrounded by other gods of Olympus throwing lightnings against the Giants and destructing them, vault and the South and West walls, Chamber of the Giants (Sala dei Giganti ), 1526-1528
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Portrait of Isabella d'Este, marchioness of Mantua, ca. 1500 (drawing on paper)
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Portrait of Margherita Palaeologa, c.1531 (oil on panel)
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Blessed Osanna Andreasi
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Olympia is seduced by Jupiter, whose thunderbolt is seized by an eagle who drills the eye of the jealous king of Macedonia, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 (fresco)
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Arrival of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga, greeted by his father Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III (reigned 1444-78) and his brothers, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
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The noble banquet celebrating the marriage of Cupid and Psyche from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1527-31 (fresco) (for details see 78420-23)
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Signs of the Zodiac, detail from the ceiling of the Sala dello Zodiaco, 1579 (fresco)
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Facade of the Basilica of Sant'Andrea, by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), Mantua (UNESCO World Heritage List, 2008). Italy, 15th century.
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Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III of Mantua  (reigned 1444-78), his wife Barbara of Brandenburg, children and courtiers, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
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Sala dei Giganti, detail of the destruction of the giants by Jupiter's thunderbolts, 1536 (fresco) (for detail see 78488)
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Portrait of the architect Giulio Romano, 1536-1538 (painting)
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The Gonzaga Family in Adoration of the Holy Trinity (oil on canvas)
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Putti with butterfly wings supporting the dedicatory plaque with hunting dogs and their handlers below, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
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Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III, his wife Barbara of Brandenburg, their children, courtiers and their dog Rubino, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco)
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Sala dei Giganti, detail of the destruction of the giants by Jupiter's thunderbolts, 1536 (fresco) (detail of 78482)
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Christ Falls under the Cross
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Maze design, from the ceiling of the Sala del Labirinto (photo)
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Occulus of the ceiling of the House of Spouses, Ducal Palace of Mantua, Italy (Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantova). Fresco by Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506), 1474.
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View of the Room of Giants (fresco)
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