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Images of 'Excavations' found, 3,056

Galloromain (Gallo-Roman) art: glassware from the excavations of Lutece (glass)
George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, 1910s (photo)
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Excavations under the direction of archaeologists Heinrich Schliemann and Wilhelm Dorpfeld in the ruins of Hissarlik, on the hills looking for the remains of the ancient city of Troy, c.1890 (b/w photo)
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The Excavations at Pompeii, 1799 (oil on canvas)
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Workers during Heinrich Schliemann's excavations of the settlements of Troy VI and VII, Turkey (b/w photo)
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Head of Serapis (marble)
T. E. Lawrence with Leonard Woolley at Carchemish, Syria, 1911 (b/w photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
The Egyptologist Howard Carter (right) with his sponsor Lord Carnarvon visiting the excavations of the tomb of Toutankhamon in Thebes in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt during the winter 1922 - 1923
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George Herbert, c.1910's (photo)
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(l-r) Arthur Mace, Richard Bethell, egyptolgist Arthur Callender, Lady Evelyn Herbert, Howard Carter, George Herbert 5th Lord Carnarvon, Alfred Lucas, and photographer Harry Burton in front of the entrance of the tomb of Toutankhamon, in the King valley, in Egypt in december 1922
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Sauceboat with double spout and two handles, Priam's Treasure (gold)
Diadem with pendants, Priam's Treasure (gold)
Portrait of Giuseppe Fiorelli, Director of Excavations at Pompei, 1806 (engraving)
Fresco from the interior of a Via Latina Catacomb (fresco)
Fibula, Priam's Treasure (gold)
Bulgaria, Sofia, Natsionalen Istoritcheski Muzej, Gold leaf with animal figures from Varna
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Remains of the Fortress built in the 8th-7th Century BC, Kadesh Barnea (photo)
Excavations for the London to Birmingham railway in the 1830s.
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Hair-ring with three lobes, Priam's Treasure (gold)
Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981 (film still)
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  • Access rights only to the digital file & only for editorial coverage of this specific motion picture/TV programme. Standard warranties regarding copyrights and moral rights are expressly excluded and third party rights may need to be cleared.
Archaeologists, 1968 (oil on canvas)
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Apollon playing lyre or cithar, Rome, 1st century (fresco)
Egypt: site of Deir el-Bahari (Deir El Bahari, Theban necropolis, royal hiding place), funeral complex composed of temples and tombs, located on the left bank west of the Nile facing the city of Luxor and the temples of Karnak, south of the valley of kings, located on the rocky wall of the mountain of Thebes, Upper Egypt. Engraving after a photograph of 1881 by Edward Livingston Wilson (1838-1903) in front of the entrance to the main grave exploded by the French egyptologist Gaston Maspero (1846-1916) and his collaborator Emile Brugsch (1842-1930) German archeologist - On this engraving published in 1887 in the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine showing the The two egyptologists are accompanied by members of the Abd al-Rassul family who had begun looting the site before the remains were transferred to an archeological museum - Professor Maspero sits on the right, Emil Brugsch standing in front of Mohammed Abd-Er-Rassoul holding a rope - Professor Maspero (sitting at the right), Emil Brugsch Bey, and Mohammed Abd-Er-Rasoul holding a rope in his hand. Photographed at the mouth of the shaft, Deir-El-Bahari -
The Vessel, Priam's Treasure (gold)
The walls of Jericho (photo)
Archaeologists at work, Viking excavations, York (photo)
Overview of the walls of the houses of the inhabitants, village of the craftsmen (photography)