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'Alps Mountain, Switzerland' images and/or videos results

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Images of 'Alps Mountain, Switzerland' found, 22

Aerial view of Bernese Alps, from left to right Birg mount, Eiger mount, Monch mount, schlthor mount, and Jungfrau mount, canton of Bern, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Lauterbrunnen (left) and Wangen with mounts Breithorn, Tschingelhorn and Gspaltenhorn, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Aletschgletscher, canton of Valais, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Aletschgletscher, canton of Valais, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of the Pennine Alps, with Matterhorn on the left and Dent d'Herens, 1990 ca - Photography
View of the Fiesch Glacier (Fieschergletscher or Fiescher), 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, Wetterhorn, Berglistock, schreckhorn and Eiger mountains, canton of Bern, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, Eiger mountains, canton of Berne, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of the Pennine Alps, with Zermaat mount, MatterHorn, and Dent d'Herens, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Lauterbrunnen (left) and Wangen with mounts Breithorn, Tschingelhorn and Gspaltenhorn, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Rhonegletscher near Furka pass, canton of Valais, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, Schreckhorn mount and Eiger mount, canton of Bern, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Zmutt Glacier in the Pennine Alps, with Zermaat mount, MatterHorn, and Dent d'Herens, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Grimsel lake and Unteraar Glacier near Grimselpass between cantons of Berne and Valais, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of the Pennine Alps, with Dom of Mischabel, Matterhorn, and Dent d'Herens, Mont Blanc in the background, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of the Pennine Alps, with Monte Rosa, Liskamm, Castor, Breithorn and Goreergletscher, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of city of Interlaken between Thunersee lake (foreground) and Brienzesee (background), 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, Oeschinen Lake, canton of Berne, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, from left to right Eiger mount, Monch mount and Jungfrau mount, canton of Bern, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Bernese Alps, from left to right Wetterhorn mount and Eiger mount, canton of Bern, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Lauterbrunnen (left) and Wangen with mounts Breithorn and Tschingelhorn, 1990 ca - Photography
Aerial view of Hergiswil (foreground) and Vierwaldstattersee lake from Mount Pilatus, 1990 ca - Photography