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Artwork from ' English School (10th Century)' found, 51

Cotton Vespasian A. VIII, f.2v Edgar offers charter to Christ, illustration from 'The New Minster Charter', 966 (vellum)
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Galba A XVIII f.21r, Christ in Majesty, from the Athelstan Psalter, Old Minster, Winchester, 925-50 (vellum)
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Add MS 16974 f112v, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Harley 2904, f.3v, The Crucifixion; with the Virgin, and St. John inscribing his testimony on a scroll, from the Ramsey Psalter, c.900-1000 (vellum)
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Ms 200 f.68v Aldhelm, seated, presents his book on virginity to a group of nuns, from Aldhelm's De Virginitate
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Add 49598 f.102v Assumption of the Virgin, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Map showing the ocean that was believed to surround the world, Anglo-Saxon (vellum)
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Cotton Galba A. XVIII, f.2v Christ in Majesty surrounded by implements of the Passion, and choirs of angels and prophets, illustration from the 'Athelstan Psalter' (vellum)
Royal 1 E VII, f.1v Creation (vellum)
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Cotton Vitellius A VI, f.15r, Gildas, De excidio Britanniae (ink on parchment)
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Add 49598 f.70r Christ in Majesty, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Add 49598 f.99v Title page, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Grant of Æthelred (d. 911) and Æthelflæd (d. 918), rulers of Mercia, to the community of the church of Much Wenlock, Cotton Ch VIII 27 (parchment)
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Add 49598 f.45v Entry into Jerusalem, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Cotton Augustus ii. 38 f.1 Restitution of Liberty to Abingdon, 993 (ink on vellum)
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Add MS 16974 f113r, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Add 49598 f.24b Adoration of the Magi, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Add MS 16974 f111r, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Harley 5431 f.7 from the 'Rule of St Benedict' (ink & colour on vellum)
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Royal MS 15 A XVI f.084v Page from 'Scholica graecarum glossarum' (vellum)
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Page from Gildas, De excidio Britanniae (imperfect), mid 10th century
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Harley 2904, f.201v from the Ramsey Psalter (vellum)
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Add 49598 Annunciation, from the Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, Winchester, c.980 (vellum)
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Add. 49598, f.97v, St Swithun, Benedictional of St Aethelwold, 971-984 (vellum)
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Cotton Galba A. XVIII, f.21 Christ enthroned with choirs of martyrs, confessors and virgins
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Add MS 37517, f. 4r, The Beatus-initial (Beatus vir), which begins the book of Psalms from the 'Bosworth Psalter' (vellum)
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A page from from an illustrated copy of Prudentius's Psychomachia with titles for the illustrations and glosses in Old English, copied in the late 10th or early 11th century,  (parchment)
Full-page miniature of King Edgar with the Virgin Mary, St Peter, Christ in Majesty, and angels, Cotton Vespasian A. viii, f.2v, New Minster Charter, c.966 (vellum)
Add MS 16974 f112r, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Add MS 16974 f113v, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Harley 2904, f.201v (detail) from the Ramsey Psalter (vellum)
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Cotton Vespasian A.viii, f.3v, New Minster Charter - Eadgar Rex, c.966 (vellum)
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Second part of the dedicatory poem, which explains the origins and purpose of the manuscript, from 'The Benedictional of St. Aethelwold' (vellum)
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Text page with initial 'D', from 'The Benedictional of St. Aethelwold' (vellum)
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Anglo-Saxon sundial, possibly 10th century (metal)
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Luxury distracts warriors, illustration from 'Psychomachia', by Prudentius (vellum)
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Adoration of the Magi, Add. 49598, f.24v, from the Benedictional of St Aethelwold, 971-984 (vellum)
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Royal 15 A. XVI Romanesque building with three towers (ink on vellum)
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Cotton Augustus ii. 38 f.1v Restitution of Liberty to Abingdon, 993 (ink on vellum)
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Add MS 16974 f111v, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Liber chronicorum temporum (parchment)
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Three Maries at the Sepulchre, from The Benedictional of St Æthelwold, c.963-984 (ink & gold on parchment)
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Presentation in the Temple, Add. 49598, f.34v, from the Benedictional of St Aethelwold, 971-984 (vellum)
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Royal MS 12 D XVII f.42r Text from a chapter beginning 'Potions and leechdoms against poison', from 'Bald's Leechbook'
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Royal MS 12 D XVII f.41v Text from a chapter beginning 'Potions and leechdoms against poison', from 'Bald's Leechbook'
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Archway on Benedictional Page, from 'The Benedictional of St. Aethelwold' (vellum)
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Harley 4986 fol.20 The Herb Asterion (vellum)
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Cotton Vespasian A.xix, f.26, Copy of Edgar's gift of Sudbourne to Æthelwold in return for translating the rule of St. Benedict into English, after 971 (vellum)
Wisdom depicted as a female figure enthroned, from an illustrated copy of Prudentius's Psychomachia with titles for the illustrations and glosses in Old English, copied in the late 10th or early 11th century, Cotton MS Cleopatra C VIII, f.36r (parchment)
Harley 2904, f.61v from the Ramsey Psalter (parchment)
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Page from Gildas, De excidio Britanniae (imperfect), mid 10th century
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