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Appuntamento con la storia; le immagini e i filmati che ricordano i più importanti anniversari dei prossimi anni.

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Data esatta sconosciuta - 1617 (392 Anni)
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, one of the most important painters of the Spanish Baroque period, was born.
1 gennaio 1766 (243 Anni)
Prince James Francis Edward Stuart, son of James VII and II and Mary of Modena, dies.
1 gennaio 1793 (216 Anni)
Francesco Lazzaro Guardi, Venetian painter of veduta, nobleman, and a member of the Venetian School, died.
1 gennaio 1863 (146 Anni)
Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin French educator and historian, and founder of the International Olympic Committee, was born.
1 gennaio 1863 (146 Anni)
Emancipation Proclamation (ending slavery) issued by Lincoln.
1 gennaio 1864 (145 Anni)
Nascita dell'americano Alfred Stieglitz, fotografo e promotore di arte moderna.
1 gennaio 1867 (142 Anni)
Jeanne-Marie Lanvin, the French haute couture fashion designer, was born.
1 gennaio 1877 (132 Anni)
Queen Victoria is proclaimed Empress of India.
Data esatta sconosciuta - 1887 (122 Anni)
A massive portfolio, with 781 plates comprising 20,000 of the photographs, in a groundbreaking collection titled Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge, was published.
1 gennaio 1892 (117 Anni)
Ellis Island opens to begin processing immigrants into the United States.
1 gennaio 1895 (114 Anni)
John Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the FBI, was born.
1 gennaio 1919 (90 Anni)
Nascita di J.D. Salinger, autore de Il giovane Holden.
1 gennaio 1927 (82 Anni)
Birth of Maurice Béjart, dancer, choreographer and opera director who ran the Béjart Ballet.
Data esatta sconosciuta - 1952 (57 Anni)
The elegant film based on Edward Lear’s nonsense poem is released.
1 gennaio 1959 (50 Anni)
The Communist revolutionary Fidel Castro led the Cubans to victory over Fulgencia Batista.
2 gennaio 1557 (419 Anni)
Jacopo Carucci, known as Jacopo da Pontormo or simply Pontormo, Italian Mannerist painter and portraitist from the Florentine School, died.
2 gennaio 1891 (118 Anni)
Giovanni Michelucci, Italian architect who designed the Firenze Santa Maria Novella railway station, is born.
3 gennaio 1883 (126 Anni)
Clement Richard Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee, former Prime Minister of the UK and Leader of the Labour Party, was born.
3 gennaio 1892 (117 Anni)
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is born in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State (South Africa).
3 gennaio 1907 (102 Anni)
Ray Milland, a Welsh actor and director, was born.
3 gennaio 1919 (90 Anni)
Nascita di Frank Duveneck, ritrattista americano.
3 gennaio 1941 (68 Anni)
Henri-Louis Bergson, French philosopher and Nobel prize laureate, dies.
3 gennaio 1959 (50 Anni)
Il presidente Eisenhower rende l'Alaska il 49esimo stato degli USA.
3 gennaio 1967 (42 Anni)
Jack Ruby, killer of Lee Harvery Oswald, the assassin of John F. Kennedy, died.
4 gennaio 1642 (367 Anni)
King Charles I of England sends soldiers to arrest members of Parliament, commencing England's slide into civil war. 375 years.
4 gennaio 1643 (366 Anni)
Sir Isaac Newton, mathematician and scientist, was born.
4 gennaio 1847 (162 Anni)
Samuel Colt sells his first revolver pistol to the United States government.
4 gennaio 1865 (144 Anni)
The New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters at 10-12 Broad near Wall Street in New York City.
4 gennaio 1958 (51 Anni)
Sputnik 1 falls to Earth from orbit.