The Egyptians made death masks in the likeness of the deceased to help their souls recognize their own bodies and be guided by the god Anubis to be judged. Explore this collection of wonderful Egyptian masks in the Bridgeman collection!


The ancient Egyptians of the Middle Kingdom placed stylized masks with refined features on the faces of the dead. The masks were typically made of stucco, plaster, or fabric, and then painted over. The masks of important figures, such as pharaohs, were made of silver or gold. The masks of lesser figures were made of wood or clay.

The masks of ancient Egypt served to guide the spirit of the deceased to its final resting place within the body. The spirit was able to recognize its body and return to it safely. The masks also protected the deceased, as they were believed to ward off malevolent spirits. Mortuary masks were made for both men and women in ancient Egypt. In burial tombs, these masks also represented the deceased.


Image de Tête d'Anubis, avec une mâchoire articulée, utilisée comme masque d'oracle, Nouvel Empire (bois peint)
Image of Head of Anubis, with an articulated jaw, used as an oracle mask, New Kingdom (painted wood) (see also 55441), 19th Egyptian dynasty (c. 1292-1187 BC) / Egyptian, Louvre, Paris, France, height: 18 cm, © Bridgeman Images


Image du masque funéraire de Toutankhamon (vers 1370-1352 av. J.-C.) vers 1336-1327 av. J.-C., Nouvel Empire (or incrusté de pierres semi-précieuses), 18e dynastie égyptienne
Image of the funerary mask of Tutankhamun (c. 1370-1352 BC) c. 1336-1327 BC, New Kingdom (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones), 18th Egyptian Dynasty (c. 1567-1320 BC) / Egyptian, National Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt, 54x39.3 cm, © Bridgeman Images


Image de Masque funéraire d'Hatnefer, vers 1492-73 av. J.-C. (cartonnage, or, travertin, obsidienne et ébène), Égypte, 18e dynastie (vers 1567-1320 av. J.-C.)
Image of Funerary Mask of Hatnefer, circa 1492-73 BC (cartonnage, gold, travertine, obsidian and ebony), Egypt, 18th Dynasty (circa 1567-1320 BC) / Egypt,Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA,45.8 cm high, © Bridgeman Images


Masque de momie, 60-70 après J.-C. (cartonnage peint, plâtre et fibres végétales),
Mummy mask, 60-70 AD (painted cardboard, plaster and plant fibres), Egypt, Roman period (c. 30 BC - 337 AD) / Egypt, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA, 63 cm high, © Bridgeman Images


Image d'un masque portrait en plâtre d'un jeune, vers 140-190 après J.-C. (plâtre, lin, peinture, lapis-lazuli, verre), Égypte, Période romaine (vers 30 av. J.-C. - 337 apr. J.-C.)
Image of a mask, plaster portrait of a youth, circa 140-190 AD (plaster, linen, paint, lapis lazuli, glass), Egypt, Roman Period (circa 30 BC - 337 AD) / Egypt, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA, 58.5 cm long, © Bridgeman Images


Image de la momie de Nesmin (détail du masque de momie avec couronne végétale), 200-30 av. J.-C., Période ptolémaïque égyptienne (332-30 av. J.-C.) / égyptien
Image of the mummy of Nesmin (detail of the mummy mask with plant crown), 200-30 BC, Egyptian Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BC) / Egyptian, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA, © Bridgeman Images



Image d'un masque funéraire en or provenant de la sépulture de Psusennes I
Image of a gold funerary mask from the Psusennes I tomb, © Werner Forman Archive / Bridgeman Images


Image de l'Égypte ancienne : Portrait pour un sarcophage égyptien. 17ème-12ème siècle av JC. Sculpture en bois polychrome
Image of Ancient Egypt: Portrait for an Egyptian sarcophagus. 17th-12th century BC. Polychrome wooden sculpture. Montserrat Museum, Egypt / Egyptian, Museu de Montserrat, Abadia de Montserrat, Spain, © Iberfoto / Bridgeman Images


Image de Masque masculin, peut-être l'étude d'un sculpteur, provenant de Tell El-Amarna, vers 1353-1295 avant J.-C.
Image of Male mask, possibly the study of a sculptor, from Tell El-Amarna, c. 1353-1295 BC (plaster), 18th Egyptian Dynasty (c. 1567-1320 BC) / Egyptian, Louvre, Paris, France, © Bridgeman Images


Image du masque de cercueil en bois, Pays d'origine : Égypte Culture : Ancienne Égypte Date/Période : Nouvel Empire Taille du matériau : bois / British Museum, Londres
Image of wooden coffin mask, Country of origin: Egypt Culture: Ancient Egypt Date/period: New Kingdom Material size: wood / British Museum, London, © Werner Forman Archive / Bridgeman Images


Image de Cercueil d'Ouser-Het (détail), 1991 av. J.-C.-1783 av. J.-C. (bois), 12e dynastie égyptienne
Image of User-Het coffin (detail), 1991 BC-1783 BC (wood), 12th Egyptian dynasty (1991-1786 BC) / Egyptian, 41.2x33.2x182.4 cm, © Fitzwilliam Museum / Bridgeman Images


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