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Japan: Bugaku mask of the Ranryu type, gilded wood, c. 16th - 18th century, Tokyo...




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Japan: Bugaku mask of the Ranryu type, gilded wood, c. 16th - 18th century, Tokyo National Museum

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C18th AD

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Bugaku', a court dance accompanied by 'Gagaku' music, is a Japanese traditional dance blending Buddhist and Shinto elements that has been performed to select elites mostly in Japanese imperial courts for over twelve hundred years. In this way it has been an upper class secret, although after World War II the dance was opened to the public and has even toured around the world in 1959. The dance is marked by its slow, precise and regal movements. The dancers wear intricate traditional Buddhist costumes, which usually include equally beautiful masks. The music and dance pattern is often repeated several times. It is performed on a square platform, usually 6m by 6m. Representing one of twenty standard characters that appear in Bugaku dance performance masks are a fine example of the exaggerated realism that captures a symbolic emotion or expression for dramatic stage effect. The earliest Bugaku masks were made by imperial craftsmen in dry lacquer.

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Pictures from History / Bridgeman Images

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Largest available format 3200 × 5499 px 4 MB
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Large 3200 × 5499 px 271 × 466 mm 4.2 MB
Medium 596 × 1024 px 50 × 87 mm 460 KB

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