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Images of 'Spacetime' found, 31

Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves - Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves: Artist's view of two colliding neutron stars about to merge and explode in kilonova. This type of event produces gravitational waves and a gamma ray burst. This artist's impression shows two tiny but very dense neutron stars at the point at which they merge and explode as a kilonova. Such a very rare event is expected to produce both gravitational waves and a short gamma-ray burst, both of which were observed on 17 August 2017 by LIGO-Virgo and Fermi/INTEGRAL respectively. Subsequent detailed observations with many ESO telescopes confirmed that this object, seen in the galaxy NGC 4993 about 130 million light-years from the Earth, is indeed a kilonova. Such objects are the main source of very heavy chemical elements, such as gold and platinum, in the Universe
Gravitational Waves - Gravitational Waves: Two colliding neutron stars create a gravitational wave that spreads over the space-time fabric. Artist's impression of two neutron stars - the compact remnants of what were once massive stars - spiralling towards each other just before merging. The collision of these dense, compact objects produced gravitational waves - fluctuations in the fabric of spacetime - that were detected by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration on 17 August 2017.
Supermassif black hole - Artist view - Supermassive Black hole - Artist view - Artist view of a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy. This artist's concept illustrates a supermassive black hole with millions to billions times the mass of our sun. Supermassive black holes are enormously dense objects buried at the hearts of galaxies. (Smaller black holes also exist throughout galaxies.) In this illustration, the supermassive black hole at the center is surrounded by matter flowing onto the black hole in what is termed an accretion disk. This disk forms as the dust and gas in the galaxy falls onto the hole, attracted by its gravity
Fractal universe - Fractal universe - Artist's view of a fractal universe where the same forms reproduce at all scales. Artwork of a fractal universe
The Big Rip - The Big Rip - The Big Rip - Artist's view of the Big Rip Theory, a cosmic model of the end of the universe. The dark energy accelerating the expansion of the universe, would see its density increase to dissolve any form of matter. Artwork illustrating the Big Rip theory, a cosmological model predicting the end of the universe. The dark energy, a form of repulsive gravity, will grow with the expansion of the universe, making the universe expanding faster and faster until the disintegration of all existing matter
Albert Einstein with spacetime curvature (digital)
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Time - Illustration - Time - Artwor
Black hole - Black hole - Artwork: The event horizon represents the limit of the spatial extension of the black hole, defining what can be considered as its size. The region delimited by the horizon of events thus differs from the central gravitational singularite, which would be of an infinite density - Event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. It is defined as “” the point of no return”””, the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible, even for light. Light emitted from inside the event horizon can never reach the outside observer
Representation of granular space - Space-time architecture - According to the theory of quantum gravity with loops, space-time would no longer be continuous but would have a granular structure. According to the loop quantum gravity theory, spacetime is quantized in elementary grains
Binary pulsar and gravitational waves - Artist's impression of the pulsar PSR J0348+0432 and its white dwarf companion - Artist's view of a gravitational wave generated by a system of a neutron star associated with a white dwarf, spreading on the fabric of space - time. This artist's impression shows the exotic double object that consists of a tiny, but very heavy neutron star that spins 25 times each second, orbited every two and a half hours by a white dwarf star. The neutron star is a pulsar named PSR J0348+0432 that is giving off radio waves that can be picked up on Earth by radio telescopes. Although this unusual pair is very interesting in its own right it is also a unique laboratory for testing the limits of physical theories. This system is radiating gravitational radiation, ripples in spacetime. Although these waves cannot be detected directly by astronomers on Earth they can be detected indirectly by measuring the change in the orbit of the system as it loses energy. As the pulsar is so small the relative sizes of the two objects are not drawn to scale
Black hole - Artist view - Black hole - Artist vie
Primitive black hole - Artist view - Primitive Black hole - Artist view - Artist view of a primitive galactic black hole. The presence of 13 billion-year-old black holes was observed by the Spitzer space telescope. These distant black holes appear in the early stages of their formation; their accretion disc contains no dust. This artist's conception illustrates one of the most primitive supermassive black holes known (central black dot) at the core of a young, star-rich galaxy. Astronomers using Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope have uncovered two of these early objects, dating back to about 13 billion years ago. The monstrous black holes are among the most distant known, and appear to be in the very earliest stages of formation, earlier than any observed so far. Unlike all other supermassive black holes probed to date, this primitive duo, called J0005-0006 and J0303-0019, lacks dust. As the drawing shows, gas swirls around a black hole in what is called an accretion disk. Usually, the accretion disk is surrounded by a dark doughnut-like dusty structure called a dust torus. But for the primitive black holes, the dust tori are missing and only gas disks are observed. This is because the early universe was clean as a whistle. Enough time had not passed for molecules to clump together into dust particles. Some black holes forming in this era thus started out lacking dust. As they grew, gobbling up more and more mass, they are thought to have accumulated dusty rings. This illustration also shows how supermassive black holes can distort space and light around them (see warped stars behind black hole). Stars from the galaxy can be seen sprinkled throughout, and distant mergers between other galaxies are illustrated in the background
Binary pulsar and gravitational waves - Artist's impression of the pulsar PSR J0348+0432 and its white dwarf companion - Artist's view of a gravitational wave generated by a system of a neutron star associated with a white dwarf, spreading on the fabric of space - time. This artist's impression shows the exotic double object that consists of a tiny, but very heavy neutron star that spins 25 times each second, orbited every two and a half hours by a white dwarf star. The neutron star is a pulsar named PSR J0348+0432 that is giving off radio waves that can be picked up on Earth by radio telescopes. Although this unusual pair is very interesting in its own right, it is also a unique laboratory for testing the limits of physical theories. This system is radiating gravitational radiation, ripples in spacetime. Although these waves (shown as the grid in this picture) cannot be yet detected directly by astronomers on Earth they can be sensed indirectly by measuring the change in the orbit of the system as it loses energy. As the pulsar is so small the relative sizes of the two objects are not drawn to scale
Towards a Theory at All - Spacetime Puzzle - Artist's view illustrating the search for missing pieces to the unification of the theory of general relativite and quantum physics. Artwork illustrating the missing link between the general relativity and quantum physics
Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves - Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves: Artist's view of a gravitational wave generated by a system of two neutron stars in collision, spreading over the space-time fabric. Artist's impression of two neutron stars - the compact remnants of what were once massive stars - spiralling towards each other just before merging. The collision of these dense, compact objects produced gravitational waves - fluctuations in the fabric of spacetime - that were detected by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration on 17 August 2017. A couple of seconds after that, ESA's Integral and Nasa's Fermi satellites detected a burst of gamma rays, the luminous counterpart to the gravitational waves emitted by the cosmic clash. This is the first discovery of gravitational waves and light coming from the same source
L'Universe en forme de dodecaedre - Dodecahedral universe - Representation of the theoretical model of the dodecaedric space of Poinsare (PDS). This model envisaged by Jean-Pierre Luminet describes a closed but infinite universe. Artwork showing the theorical model of Universe called Poincare Dodecahedral Space (PDS). This model was suggested by english researcher Jean-Pierre Luminet to explain the shape of the universe; it describes a multiply-connected universe
Universe has 11 dimensions - Extra dimensions of the universe - Artist's view of a multidimensional universe where additional dimensions are tiny and rolled on themselves. Artwork of a 10- or 11-dimensional universe, with some of the dimensions rolled up so tightly that they can't be perceived
Artist's view of space-time - Spacetime - Artist's view illustrating the microscopic and macroscopic structure of space-time. Artwork
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The puzzle of space-time - Spacetime Puzzle - Artist's view illustrating the search for the missing piece to the unification of the theory of general relativite and quantum physics. Artwork illustrating the missing link between the general relativity and quantum physics
Universe has 11 dimensions - 11-dimension Universe - Many universes could coexist and evolve in completely different ways. Artwork showing multiple universes
Universe has 11 dimensions - 11-dimension Universe - Many universes could coexist and evolve in completely different ways. Artwork showing multiple universes
Galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 - Galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 - View of the galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 visible. This cluster located approximately 5.4 billion years ago - light from the Earth in the constellation of the Coach, is the result of the collision of three clusters of galaxies. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. This picture shows a region where three galaxy clusters are merging and releasing enormous amounts of energy in the form of X - rays. These distant objects are around 5.4 billion light - years from Earth, in the constellation of Auriga and were imaged during the Massive Cluster Survey, a project to study distant clusters of galaxies using Hubble. The amount of mass in this sea of galaxies is huge, and is great enough to visibly bend the fabric of spacetime. The strange distortion in the shapes of many of the galaxies in this picture, which appear stretched and bent as if they were looked at through a glass bottle, is a result of gravitational lensing, where the gravitational fields around massive objects bend light around them. Image taken by the Hubble space telescope (HST). The exposure times were about 67 minutes and 33 minutes respectively and the field of view of the image is about 3 arcminutes across
Supermassif black hole - Artist's view - Supermassive black hole with torn-apart star (artist's impression): Artist's view of a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy. This artist's impression depicts a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disc. This thin disc of rotating material consists of the leftovers of a Sun-like star which was ripped apart by the tidal forces of the black hole. Shocks in the colliding debris as well as heat generated in accretion led to a burst of light, resembling a supernova explosion