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Images of 'Societe De Bienfaisance' found, 38

Jacqueline, Viscountess of Ribes, preparing a gala to take place in London, 26 October 1957 (b/w photo)
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Marquis of Cuevas giving some advice to his friend Viscountess Jacqueline of Ribes for the choice of dances she will present, Paris, October 26, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Marquis of Cuevas giving some advice to his friend Viscountess Jacqueline of Ribes for the choice of dances she will present, Paris, October 26, 1957 (b/w photo)
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A banquet for the poor (charity - charity committee - Catholic relief - soup - lady patroness). On Christmas Day 1927, Cardinal Ferrari (directed in Paris by Abbe Rivota) organized a mass for the poor, followed by a banquet of 2000 covered. Drawing by Damblans in the Pelerin n°2598 of January 9, 1927. Extract from the text: “” the vast exhibition centre of the Porte de Versailles had been rented for the poor. It was there that more than 2000 unhappy people came to attend Mass and receive the blessing of Bishop Chaptal. After that a banquet was served to them, to the sound of a joyful orchestra, by the ladies of high society and by devoues students.” The work created by Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari (1850-1921), also known as the Compagnie de Saint Paul, is a foundation that brings together canteens for workers, houses of the people and institutions for young girls in difficulty.
Ouvrieres a la plages. Workers at the beach.
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BDM members collect for the Winter Relief, 1935 (b/w photo)
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BDM members tinker for the NSV, 1939 (b/w photo)
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BDM members gather for the Youth Hostel Association, Berlin 1941 (b/w photo)
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The BDM (League of German Girls) collects for the youth hostel in Berlin, 1941
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The BDM (League of German Girls) are doing handicrafts for the NSV in Berlin, 1939
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Railwaymen receiving flowers on Alexandra Rose Day, 1924 (b/w photo)
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Austria - chess benefit gala 1995 - Garri Kasparow in Vienna, 1995 (photo)
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Marquis of Cuevas giving some advice to his friend Viscountess Jacqueline of Ribes for the choice of dances she will present, Paris, October 26, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Marquis of Cuevas giving some advice to his friend Viscountess Jacqueline of Ribes for the choice of dances she will present, Paris, October 26, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Marquis of Cuevas giving some advice to his friend Viscountess Jacqueline of Ribes for the choice of dances she will present, Paris, October 26, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Audience prize game at "Stars in the Manege" at the Circus Krone, 1970 (b/w photo)
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Society Women At Devon Charity, Pennsylvania c.1927 (b/w photo)
Third Reich - Anti-Jewish propaganda (photo)
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Members of Christian benefits society (Kristelijke Mutualiteiten/Mutualites Chretiennes) carry a ban.., 1997-09-28 (photo)
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Vice President Spiro Agnew admires a T-shirt presented him, July 16,1970
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Title page with crest and motto of the Worshipful Company of Barbers of London.
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GDR, Dresden, historical, Building, Landmark Woman Church, Reconstruction, Donate, October 1993 Caption at …, 1993 (photo)
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  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book covers). Please contact us
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St. Stephen's Cathedral made of Lego in Vienna, 1988 (photo)
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Austria;Not available to clients invoiced in Germany;Not available to clients invoiced in Switzerland
A banquet for the poor (charity - charity committee - Catholic relief - soup - lady patroness). On Christmas Day 1927, Cardinal Ferrari (directed in Paris by Abbe Rivota) organized a mass for the poor, followed by a covered banquet of 2000. Dessin de Damblans (detail) in Pelerin no. 2598 of 9 January 1927. Extract from the text: “” the vast exhibition centre of the Porte de Versailles had been rented for the poor. It was there that more than 2000 unhappy people came to attend Mass and receive the blessing of Bishop Chaptal. After that a banquet was served to them, to the sound of a joyful orchestra, by the ladies of high society and by devoues students.” The work created by Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari (1850-1921), also known as the Compagnie de Saint Paul, is a foundation that brings together canteens for workers, houses of the people and institutions for young girls in difficulty.