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Images of 'Service Occupations' found, 608

MS Cotton Claudius B. II, f.341 Death of Thomas Becket, from 'Alan of Tewkesbury, Collectio epistolarum sancti Thome Cantuariensis; John of Salisbury, Life of St Thomas Becket with Alan's prologue', c.1180 (ink, colour & gold on vellum)
Blacksmith's wife forging nails
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[Upper drawing] Christ on the road to Calvary.
[Lower drawing] Simon holds the Cross, while a carpenter bores a hole with a two-handed auger. The blacksmith, who alleges he cannot make the nails as his hand is bad finds, when told to show his hand, that his pious lie is made retrosprctively true. His wife makes the nails at a draught-forge and anvil
[Detail] Lower margin. A lady attended by her maid, who holds a circular mirror.The lady ties her hair in a long plait, and has a gold comb in her lap; her jewel box lies on the ground, at her feet.
(Miniature) Scene in a counting house; a nobleman and helper doing business with the owner; a secretary writes accounts
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Scribe writing
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Vivian and others take oath
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The Balfour Declaration
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Questio de septem artibus mechanicis. A carpenter at work measuring and drawing.
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[Lower margin] Sir Geoffrey Luttrell is seated in the centre of a long table supported on two trestles, behind is a blue hanging with the Luttrell martlets in silver. On his left, his wife, Agnes Sutton, and two Dominicans, perhaps his chaplain, Robert of Wilford, and his confessor, William of Foderingeye. On Luttrell's right, two men and a lady. A bearded servant brings two dishes, and a cup-bearer kneels, having given his cup to Sir Geoffrey. On the table are knives, spoons, dishes, and plates or trenchers of bread
Women Firefighters during World War 1
A broker at the New York Stock Exchange in the 1920s (b/w photo)
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Bizhan led before Afrasiyab
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Rosa Parks Gets Fingerprinted, Montgomery, Alabama, 1959 (b/w photo)
Bank Teller, c.1895 (b/w photo)
Courtesan making tea
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The Dukes of York, Gloucester and Ireland dining with Richard II. Initial and floral border.
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Runner or messenger ('paik').
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A portrait of John Farley, principle cook at the London Tavern.
John Farley (1755/6-1827) produced one of the first restaurant cookbooks. The London Tavern was the largest dining facility in London.
Harun al-Rashid and the barber.
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Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan, 1st Baronet (1807-86), c.1861
A full-length portrait, facing right. He wears dark ceremonial dress with the red cordon of the insignia of the Bath. He holds a sword in his left hand and his plumed hat is in the crook of his right arm. On the left is a table with papers and books. A curtain with tassels is drawn back to show Government House, Madras, on the right.
Trevelyan served with the East India Company 1826-38, retiring as Secretary to the Board of Revenue. He wrote on education and supported Macaulay on the issue of education through English. From 1840 to 1859 he was Assistant Secretary to the Treasury and reported on reforms in the civil service. He returned to India as Governor of Madras, March 1859-June 1860, but was recalled for publishing his opposition to the financial policy of the Government of India. He became however, Financial Member of the Supreme Council 1863-65. K.C.B, 1848.
Ruhende Dirnen.
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Richard Johnson
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Executions at Paris
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Underground Paris - the sewers
Sir James Rivett-Carnac, Bt. (1785-1846).
A standing figure, with face seen in full, but body turned half to the left. The left hand hangs by the side; the right rests on a table, on which is a plumed hat. The uniform is blue, trimmed with silver, and with silver buttons and epaulettes; the sash is gold, the sword-belt gold and red.
Madras, afterwards Bombay Army 1801-22, and in the Political service. Director of the East India Company 1827, and afterwards Governor of Bomaby 1838-41.
Hajjam, a barber, i.e. Muslim barber as opposed to Hindu barber (nai).
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Khati or Tarkhan, carpenter caste of the Panjab. Man sawing a plank.
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Scene 1: The entrapment of a defenseless country maid upon her arrival to London
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Havas Publicity Agency, Paris, c. 1900.
Ruth gleaning
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The stranger at Mrs Lovett's pie shop'.
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Antonin Careme
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Scene 3: The harlot's lodgings are raided by supporters of the societies for reformation of manners.
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Auguste Escoffier (c.1847-1935). French chef. Portrait.
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[Whole folio] Top, Alexander seated, holds an open letter, with a kneeling messenger and Aristotle standing before him. Below, Aristotle seated, holds a open letter, a messenger kneels to receive it. Text; decorated borders including two shields with the arms of England
'Abd al-Rahim and Dawlat, together (inscription on book). Another inscription to Jahangir is on the carpet.
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Abu 'Abdullah Mahdi Bavardi made an apprentice by Abu Hafz, the blacksmith, burnt his hand when distracted by a blind man. By Hiranand.
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'The Oakland cottages, Cheltenham, or fox hunters and their favourites'. Gentleman visiting possibly a brothel.
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Various drawings including a king seated, horses, blacksmiths at work, Perseus with the head of Medusa, and other symbols relating to astrology. From a translation of a Persian astrological treatise.
Women in the armaments industry (b/w photo)
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Johannes Gutenberg (1400-68). German printer
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The Breakfast. A young married couple (an East India Company civil servant and his wife) breakfasting on fried fish, rice and Sylhet oranges, with servants in attendance. Lithograph by J. Bouvier.
Bas-de-page scene of a nun, who was devoted to the Virgin, eloping with a clerk
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Marie Antonin Careme (1784 - 12 January 1833) was an early practitioner and exponent of the elaborate style of cooking known as grande cuisine, the "high art" of French cooking: a grandiose style of cookery favoured by both international royalty and by the newly rich of Paris. Careme is often considered as one of the first internationally renowned celebrity chefs.
Madras, 1856 (aquatint)
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Harun al-Rashid and the barber.
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Sir George Staunton
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Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme 1778-1842). Chilean independence leader. Portrait.
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Women Firefighters during World War 1
National Fire Service Magazine, advert, UK, 1940s
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Formally dressed African American men pose with derbies and top hats, and banner labeled Waiters Union in Georgia, c. 1899. Service occupations such as waiters, porters, and doormen, were among the best jobs available to urban blacks
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A postman
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'Letter press printer'.
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The compleat beau. This vain gay thing sets up for man ... the barber surgeon'. A man wearing a wig, looking into a mirror.
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Letter makers. The luminor sign co'. A shop front.
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