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Images of 'Saône Et Loire' found, 409

Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. East to west. 12th century.
Saint-Philibert de Tournus church, Virgin and Child ( Notre Dame de la Brune) 12 th century, Tournus, France, 2019 (photo)
The abbey. The church (Église abbatiale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul). Exterior. South. Romanesque. 1088 - 1130.
The abbey. The church (Église abbatiale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul). Exterior. South. Romanesque. 1088 - 1130.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. A chpael. A reading desk. Ironwork.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. Detail of a pilaster.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. Northwest. A double gothic arch. Detail.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. North wall. The pilasters and the arches.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. North wall. The upraising from the arches to the vault.. 12th century.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. Northwest. A double gothic arch.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The chapel (Chapelle Saint-Léger). Funeral statues of Pierre Jeannin (+1623) and Anne Guéniot, his wife.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. 12t century.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Exterior. The west porch. Gislebertus. Detail. The trumeau. The saint (Saint Lazare and his two sisters. 1135 - 1140.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare). Interior. The nave. South wall. The pilasters and the arches.
Map of Saône-Et-Loire France