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'Romanum Imperium' images and/or videos results page 1 of 145

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Images of 'Romanum Imperium' found, 13,041

Roman art: marble relief representing the pretorian guard, legionaries and elite soldiers (marble)
Gallo-Roman art: detail of a marble relief depicting a race of tanks with terminals (marble)
Roman art: view of the Roman theatre of the city of Orange, France (photo)
Roman art: silver coin representing a Roman galley (silver)
Gallo-Roman art: marble relief representing a race of tanks with terminals (marble)
Roman art: mosaic with geometric figures (mosaic)
Roman art: reliquary in the form of sarcophagus, found in Syria (stone)
Roman art: boxing scene (stone low relief)
Pilaster capital. Architecture of the Roman Empire
Roman art: mosaic decoree of dolphins (mosaic)
Roman art: terracotta vase in the shape of double head (terracotta)
Art Gallo Romain: ex-voto representing a swaddling child. Limestone sculpture (limestone)
Gallo-Roman art: glass bulbs (glass)