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Images of 'Repas Meal' found, 1,023

The Last Supper, 1495-97 (fresco) (post restoration)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Last Supper, 1495-97 (fresco) (post restoration)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Last Supper, 1495-97 (fresco) (pre restoration)
Image Restrictions
  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Last Supper, 1495-97 (fresco) (post restoration)
Image Restrictions
  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Last Supper, 1594 (oil on canvas)
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Supper in the House of Levi, 1573 (oil on canvas)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
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The Supper at Emmaus (oil on canvas)
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  • Museum additional fee applies
French president Georges Clemenceau visiting troops in the trenches, near Maurepas (Somme) 1917
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Wedding meal of Olivier de Castille and Artus d'Algarve, illumination, 15th century
Codex 132 Livre 22 Chap.1 The Meal, from 'De Universo' by Rabanus Maurus (c.780-856) 1023 (vellum)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
French familly having picnic lunch in France, c 1936
Meal, 1935 (oil on canvas)
  • Copyright Applies
Purple Noon/Talented Mr Ripley directed by Rene Clement, 1960
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
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  • Access rights only to the digital file & only for editorial coverage of this specific motion picture/TV programme. Standard warranties regarding copyrights and moral rights are expressly excluded and third party rights may need to be cleared.
Marguerite Duras and Jean-Luc Godard, 1967 (b/w photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Holiday Camp in France July 24, 1956 : Children Before Meal (b/w photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Marriage at Cana (miracle): Jesus Christ (with his mother Virgin Mary) changing water in wine, illumination by "le maitre du parement de Narbonne" from book "Tres belles heures de Notre Dame de Jean de Berry", c. 1380, coll. BnF-Paris
Supper in the House of Levi, 1573 (oil on canvas) (detail of 245296)
Image Restrictions
  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
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The Farmer's Meal, 1935 (oil on cardboard)
  • Copyright Applies
The Supper at Emmaus, 1525 (oil on panel)
Image Restrictions
  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
A funeral meal at the time of the bear and the mammoth, illustration from 'L'Homme Primitif' by Louis Figuier (1819-94) published Hachette, 1870 (engraving) (b/w photo)