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Images of 'Proterozoic' found, 5

The Earth 600 million years ago - Artist's view - Ediacaran Earth - The Earth seen about 600 million years ago after an important period of glaciation. This is how the Earth may have appeared 600 million years ago following the Cryogenian “” Snowball Earth”” period. The worldwide glaciers have melted and the ocean is largely liquid again. During this, the Ediacaran period, it is hypothesized that all of the Earth's landmasses had merged into a single supercontinent known as Pannotia, also known as the Vendian supercontinent. Surrounding this massive landmass is the vast Panthalassic Ocean, also known as Panthalassa. While the ocean was home to a variety of evolving multicellular life forms including the ubiquitous Dickinsonia costata, it is not believed that life had moved to dry land with possible exception of bacteria and other microbial colonies
The Earth 650 million years ago - Artist's view - Snowball Earth - The Earth seen in a period of glaciation (Varanger glaciation), about 650 to 630 million years ago. This is how the Earth may have appeared about 650 million years ago during a period when snow and ice may have covered most, if not all, of the Earth's surface and oceans. This image suggests the Earth's appearance during the Marinoan glaciation from 650 to 630 million years ago. The southern and eastern hemispheres are dominated by glacier - covered land masses while the opposing hemisphere is frozen ocean save for a few areas of exposed liquid water, AKA refugia for the Earth's surviving soft - bodied multicellular organisms. In addition to the Marinoan glaciation there may have been at least two, and possibly three previous Proterozoic glacial periods going back to two billion years ago. The causes of these snowball periods are unknown but may have been due to massive volcanic eruptions, massive meteoritic impacts (both resulting in global sun - reflecting ash clouds), or variance's in the Earth's orbit
Proterozoic Ice Age
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Proterozoic ocean floor
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us