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Images of 'Protective Symbols' found, 45

Kneeling crusader with his horse behind him, from the Westminster Psalter, c.1250 (vellum)
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Protective Amulets, 1992 (acrylic board)
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Magical Symbols, 1992 (acrylic on canvas)
Protective Hands, 1992 (acrylic on board)
Painted shields of arms, probably copied from a roll of arms.
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Faience amulet representing Djed pillar, symbol of stability and endurance, linked to god Osiris
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Portrait of King Edward III, a Knight Founder of the Order of the Garter, wearing the blue Garter mantle over plate armour and surcoat with his personal arms.
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The Balliol Roll is painted on the dorse of the last membrane of Cooke's Ordinary. It contains the arms of Edward Balliol (d. 1364), claimant to the Scottish throne, followed by the shields of thirty-five of his chief supporters, arranged in five rows of seven, together with the name of each bearer of arms.
Cabala: Protection Against The Plague, 16th century (engraving)
Four knights, in armour and tabards, jousting. The upper pair tilting with lances; the lower pair in sword combat. Their arms are painted on their tabards and horse trappings. The arms identify the upper pair as Sir John Falstaff, KG, jousting with a member of the Timperley family.
Or. 12859 Protective amulet scroll in a cylindrical silver case (paper & silver)
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Knostic Nail amulets. 1923 (colour litho.)
Amulets, Egyptian civilization
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Leather belt with white silver, gold and coral elements, two hanging Kitab amulets in centre, closed with mango-shaped hook (symbol of fertility), Yemen, 19th century
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Amulets of deities Hathor and Taweret, and statuette of Isis nursing infant Horus
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Rows of shields.
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Bronze votive hand with talismanic symbols, From Switzerland, Roman Civilization
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Hand-shaped bronze amulet with apotropaic symbols, Roman Civilisation
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Bronze votive hand with talismanic symbols, From Switzerland, Roman Civilization
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Worshipper adoring the Great Goddess, seated on a winged griffin …
Amulet with symbols of the goddess Hathor …
Greeting card representing a family loaded with symbols of luck and fortune. Postcard from the beginning of the 20th century.
A Viking probably carried this hammer-shaped amulet in battle., 1970 (photo)
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The happiness sower, 1910-20 (postcard)
Impression of hand as talisman in mud wall in Turkey., 1978 (photo)
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Impression of hand as talisman in mud wall in Turkey., 1978 (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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Impression of hand as talisman in mud wall in Turkey., 1978 (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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Banana with 10 mark note: Price increase due to the dollar banana? - Since July 1993, the..., 1994 (photo)
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Banana with 10 mark note: Price increase due to the dollar banana? - Since July 1993, the..., 1994 (photo)
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The ram representing the Pharaoh, temple of Horus, Edfu
WW2 - East Prussia - Protective Wall 1944 (photo)
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Carboneras. Saint Andrew's Castle. Detail of the main facade.
WW2 - African campaign 1942 (photo)
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WW2 - African campaign 1942 (photo)
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